
Decoding The Most Powerful Mind Control Tool in the World – Jay Dyer

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Leak Project invited me on:
“Esoterica in Hollywood, Subliminal Programming & Conditioning
Did you know that many clandestine agencies and branches of the DoD work within Hollywood? What if television and programing was often designed at the top levels to control your mind and how you think from the subconscious level?
Analysis of the Following Films and TV Series

Jay Dyer w/Tim Kelly: Tragedy & Hope – War is a Racket for Great Game

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his series covering Dr. Carroll Quigley’s monumental Tragedy & Hope. We talk about banksters’ scams, controlled opposition, revolutions, dialectics, the gold standard, classical liberalism, media fakery, false flags, wars and how the true “Illuminati’ are controlling these events.

Jay Dyer on the Brussels Attacks, Predictive Programming Numerology & EU Babel

Jay Dyer returns to Tim Kelly’s “Our Interesting Times,” to discuss his piece “TERROR THEATRE: The EU Babel, Brussels Attack Numerology & Media Fakery.” We talk about the terrorist attacks in Brussels and the evidence indicating that they were yet another “Gladio style” false flag event staged by elements within NATO and western intelligence agencies. We discuss media fakery, the possible esoteric meaning in these staged events and the role numerology appears to play in them.