
Trudeau Attempts To Distract From Nazi Controversy By Growing Cool New Mustache

from The Babylon Bee: OTTAWA — After an embarrassing incident in which the Canadian government honored a Nazi SS veteran in parliament, Canada’s dictator Justin Trudeau attempted to distract from the controversy by unveiling some cool new facial hair. “If there’s anything that has been a real asset to me in my career, it’s my [

How do we Reach the Brainwashed?

VN Alexander You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even to the common sense statement that, since the C0Vld-19 shots hadn’t been through long-term trials, it might be unwise to take one. Like terrorized lab animals 

Uh-Oh: Vials Of Mysterious Substance At Wuhan Lab Labeled ‘Save For 2024 Election’

from The Babylon Bee: WUHAN – Well, this can’t be good: an investigative journalist – a real one, not a “journalist” who complains about pronouns in videogames on Twitter – managed to infiltrate the Wuhan Institute of Virology. What they saw concerned them: for one thing, there appeared to be multiple vials of a mysterious [

“Bankers on the DANCE FLOOR” (FIAT CLAP MIX) – NEW EDM Cringecore Single Dropped! -Jay Dyer

My latest cringe core single to drop is a previously unreleased 1995 club hit in Slovenia when I went under the monicker “Freedumb Williams.” When I left SNAP and subsequently split from LaBouche, I had my own hit single about the CEOs and banking elite. This previously unreleased club mix is now topping the EuroDance [

FLASHBACK FUNNY: Who Sponsors The Corbett Report??!!

FROM 2018: The Corbett Report is brought to you by...wait for it...(drum roll please) Yes, you. I know it's not an exciting answer, but it's the truth. No advertising. No corporate backing. No hidden funders. Just people like you. So why not subscribe and help keep this commercial-free material coming? (And yes, Nestle really is being sued for using child slave labour and Bayer really did market heroin as a children's cough suppressant. Everything else is satire.)

CDC Announces Deadly New ‘Electionyearicron’ Covid Variant

from The Babylon Bee: ATLANTA, GA — The Center for Disease Control warned Americans this week to resume all contact precautions due to a new and rapidly-spreading “Electionyearicron” Covid variant. CDC director Bob Cohen spoke with reporters Wednesday to announce the new variant. “‘Electionyearicron’ is thought to be the most disruptive variant yet, and will [