Trump Allies Targeting Paul Ryan Again
In January 2013 every Democrat-- but far right Tennessee Blue Dog Jim Cooper-- joined 49 Republicans to pass aid for the New York and New Jersey victims of Hurricane Sandy.
In January 2013 every Democrat-- but far right Tennessee Blue Dog Jim Cooper-- joined 49 Republicans to pass aid for the New York and New Jersey victims of Hurricane Sandy.
What's the big deal? you ask. So there are escalators going up from street level to the "business" level of the Manhattan-side Staten Island Ferry Terminal? Well, it's a huge deal for Staten Island commuters, who have had to make the long climb up the stairs for the year and a quarter since Superstorm Sandy destroyed those escalators.
On Meet The Press yesterday, Chris Matthews ended the segment on the rapidly expanding Chris Christie scandal by pointing out that Christie's greatest hit in the eyes of the general public was how much of an activist, on-the-ground leader he was when Hurricane Sandy devastated wide swathes of New Jersey. Matthews pointed out the incongruity of Christie's supposed nowhere-to-be-found posture when his aides shut down the George Washington Bridge for 4 days.
Chris Hayes did something remarkable Tuesday evening. He talked about how climate change relates to income inequality in America. Take a look at the short clip above. "Here's what I've learned," he reported.