
Harry Truman, Too, Was a Self-Described Democratic Socialist

Eric Zuesse
This is from the public papers of U.S. President Harry S. Truman in 1952:
“Public Papers, Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953, October 10, 1952”
[rail-car campaigning for Adlai Stevenson in N.Y. State to become Truman’s successor, against Dwight Eisenhower]

How Elizabeth Warren Still Might Get the DNC’s Presidential Nod

Eric Zuesse
Democratic Party billionaires continue to provide indications that they won’t accept Bernie Sanders to be their Party’s Presidential nominee, and unless Sanders can amass over 50% of the delegate-votes in the Convention’s first-round balloting (which is in doubt), those billionaires (via their agents at the Convention, the DNC’s 700+ superdelegates) will decide whom the nominee will be, and it won’t be Sanders. Whom will it be, then?

How Bernie Sanders Will Destroy the Deep State if He Becomes President

Eric Zuesse
Joe Lauria at Consortium News headlined on February 21st, “Apparent US Intel Meddling in US Election With ‘Report’ Russia is Aiding Sanders”, and he noted that,
If the story is true and if intelligence agencies are truly committed to protecting U.S. citizens, the Sanders campaign would have been quietly informed and shown evidence to back up the claims.

How Huffington Post Campaigns for Elizabeth Warren

Eric Zuesse
On Thursday, February 20th, the top headline on the Home Page of the Huffington Post website — a mouthpiece for the Democratic National Committee to reach and persuade a largely young and female progressive Democratic electorate — was “Finally, The Real Elizabeth Warren Steps Up: The gloves came off at the Democratic primary debate in Vegas.” The site’s lead article said: