Sanctions on Syria

Sara Flounders Speech on Syria at Left Forum 2016

In this forum, particularly interesting is the speech given by Sara Flounders, of the International Action Center, on her visits to Syria, on the reasons behind the global war on Syria and the documentation of US planning the destabilization of Syria since at least 2005. Flounders also gives historical context to the lead-up to the 2011-begun war on Syria, as well as the many reasons why the NATO-GCC-Zionist alliance want to destabilize and break apart Syria.

Concerts at Palmyra represent liberation, resilience, revival

May 8, 2016, American Herald Tribune
-Eva Bartlett
The momentous Syrian-Russian liberation of world heritage site Palmyra on March 27, 2016, came and went with zero congratulations from world leaders who are supposedly fighting terrorism. Palmyra is an area that was subject to ten months of Da’esh (ISIS) occupation, slaughters, and destruction.