Sanctions against Syria

EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid

Image above: Minister of Tourism…HE  Bashr Yaziji..Another target of EU political sanctions last week

 Last month, half-heartedly and without unanimity among its 28 member states, the European Union (EU) levied yet more sanctions on Syrian officials. Passed under pressure from the usual suspects (the US, France, Britain, and the international Zionist lobby)



EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid and Hinder Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria

By Franklin Lamb | Al-Manar | July 4, 2014 Damascus – Today, a civilization that used to lead the world and for centuries was the beacon of learning, tolerance and trade, and that still protects our global cultural heritage is damaged—and only the Syrian people can rebuild it for all of us. We need to help them. […]

EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid and Hinder Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria

By Franklin Lamb | Al-Manar | July 4, 2014 Damascus – Today, a civilization that used to lead the world and for centuries was the beacon of learning, tolerance and trade, and that still protects our global cultural heritage is damaged—and only the Syrian people can rebuild it for all of us. We need to help them. […]