San Antonio

Will The DCCC Lose TX-23 Again By Running Corrupt Blue Dog Pete Gallego?

Former Bernie Bexar County coordinator Rick TreviñoTX-23, the state's largest congressional district, stretches from the suburbs south and west of San Antonio right across west Texas into Socorro and the suburbs east of El Paso. Of the 29 counties in the district, only 4 have significant numbers of voters-- Bexar, El Paso, Medina, and Val Verde. It's the DCCC's #1 electoral priority in Texas for the 2018 midterms.

Can A Moral Victory Become An Actual Victory?

-by Zack LykeI had just come off managing the Wakely 2016 campaign. I was tired. The team scrapped, we fought, but ultimately we failed. There were some positive signs, though. Numbers that exceeded experts’ projections and progressive enthusiasm that folks in the area had long forgotten or abandoned. At the North East Bexar County Democrats club meeting this past December, in the middle of my presentation of the club’s coordinated campaign efforts, a man rose and suggested the club give a standing ovation for Wakely’s 2016 efforts.  That man had also run against Lamar Smith, twice.

WATCH: San Antonio Cop Body Slams 12-Year Old Girl Knocking Her Out (UPDATED)

Should an adult male San Antonio cop ever body slam a preteen girl?
A video uploaded to YouTube shows a San Antonio Independent School District cop named Joshua Kehm body-slamming a 12-year-old girl face-first into concrete on March 29 as you can see in the video below.
It knocked the girl unconscious.
“She landed on her face!” a bystander says after the cop body slams her, apparently leaving her unconscious.
The incident occurred at Rhodes Middle School in San Antonio, Texas.
Officer Kehm then handcuffed the girl and she stands up, walking away with him.