same-sex marriage

How nice to have a straight person point out that "marriage is for procreation" isn't just legal but religious BS

Sorry, Frank, that's just some silly old myth about love having anything to do with marriage. Now, Peg and Al Bundy, they were a bona fide married couple, because they were, of course, Married -- With Children. Of course, once they stopped procreating, however grateful the world would have reason to be, Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Paul Niemeyer probably would have had to blow the whistle on them. Not that Al would have objected."In contrast to 'traditional marriage,' [Fourth Circuit U.S.

Not All Democrats In Hawaii Have Been On The Side Of The Angels In The Struggle For LGBT Equality

Last week, you may recall, Blue America did a end-of-the-quarter fundraiser for our House candidates. The name of one of the most generous contributors looked vaguely familiar, so I looked him up. Steven H. Levinson was a judge on the Hawaii Supreme Court and the reason why I had his name in my memory bank was because he authored the lead opinion in Baehr vs. Lewin, the first-ever court ruling to determine that denying marriage to same-sex couples was discriminatory.

As he slithers out of the VA AG's office, defeated guv candidate "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli shows it's never too late to hate the homos

Hey, Cuckoo Man, didn't your mama ever warn you to close your mouth or a fly might fly in?by KenI don't mean to suggest in the post title that there's any term limit on former Virginia AG "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli's homo-hating, which I'm confident he'll carry -- along with all the other insanities infesting his diseased brain -- all the remaining days of his continuing existence on the planet.

If Utah hunger-striking doodybrain Trestin Meacham croaks, how about we have a giant bonfire and wienie roast? (I'll bring the marshmallows)

What do you think? Do you suppose Utah far-far-far-right-wing whackjob Trestin Meacham is any relation to onetime Yankees shortstop Bobby Meacham? Bobby M had his moments in pinstripes, which is more than you can say for his maybe-cousin the nutjob buttwipe."Trestin Meacham . . .