Samantha Bee

Are DCCC Staffers Blowing It In California?

Gil Cisneros, the DCCC's 2018 mascot... and people wonder why California is looking dodgySix of the very best members of Congress-- plus many more-- declared their candidacies on the back on fantastic records as state legislators: Ted Lieu (CA), Pramila Jayapal (WA), Barbara Lee (CA), Jamie Raskin (MD), Mark Pocan (WI), Keith Ellison (MN).

What Happened To Jesus' Message In The Age Of Trump?

Tuesday, author and former evangelical Christian right leader, Frank Schaeffer, blew the whistle on the game of footsie being played by the neo-fascist movement and their religionist endeavors. He predicted dire consequences for everyone involved. "You can bet on this," he wrote: "60 percent-plus of Americans will exit the Trump era convinced that conservative Christianity is just white identity politics. They will be right.

Why Conservative Curmudgeon Richard Lugar Isn't Having Any Of Trump's Foreign Policy Bullshit

With his domestic agenda in tatters and his approval ratings circling the drain, Trumpy-the-Clown has decided to trying out his new super-powers in the foreign affairs realm. Plenty of reason for everyone to be plenty nervous about that. But Richard Lugar, a Republican former senator from Indiana spoke at the Foreign Policy Association Tuesday on conflict prevention and couldn't find much in Trump's approach to be sanguine about.

Comrade Nunes Forced Out Of Putin-Gate Investigation

Nunes didn't exactly recuse himself from leading the Putin-Gate investigation, at least not voluntarily. The House Ethics Committee is investigating his bizarre behavior in connection with the probe and he was forced to step down "temporarily." The Ethics Committee wants to know why he mishandled classified material for partisan purposes. A committee of 3 monkeys will take over the investigation: Michael Conaway (R-TX), Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Tom Rooney (R-FL).

If We Had A Real President...

If we had a real president in the White House, instead of a grifter pretending to be a clown, he would have announced that his party has tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act and that the next step is to have the Republicans and the Democrats sit down together and figure out-- for the good of the country-- a nonpartisan/non-ideological approach (based on Trump's own campaign promises) for fixing the problems in the ACA.

The DCCC Has Nothing To Do With Defeating Steve King-- Kim Weaver Does

Maybe you got an email filled with outrage over Steve King's latest racist statement this week. The DCCC sent one out, asking for contributions. There's a problem with that though. Steve King isn't just some loud-mouthed crackpot and bigot; he's also an actual congressman from western Iowa. The DCCC doesn't use the contributions they solicit to beat Steve King.

Turning The Supreme Court Into A Bastion Of Fascism

PPP released new polling this morning. A majority of Americans wish Obama was still president. And where last week, everyone was stunned that 35% of the country were already hoping Trump would be impeached, in just 7 days, that number has already increased to 40%! Only 43% of Americans are glad Trump is president. (The polling didn't ask about it but evidence is that Trump's strongest support comes from the counties with the heaviest prescription drug abuse and opioid addiction.

Samantha Bee: "Paul Ryan's New Intern Has Such A Pure Voice"

Certainly the biggest-- and most hilarious-- news out of Sunday's prestigious Screen Actors Guild award show came when Julia Louis-Dreyfus got up to accept her award (best actress in a comedy-- for Veep ). She eviscerated Señor el Presidente Trumpanzee. "My father fled religious persecution in Nazi-occupied France," she said. "I’m an American patriot, and I love this country.