Sam Jammal

Should The 2018 Midterms Just Be A Referendum On Trump? Or Do Democrats Have To Be Offering A Viable Alternative?

You thought the SNL sketch was funny? David Wade a former John Kerry chief of staff, now makes his living as a lobbyist (GreenLight Strategies) and Democratic strategist; über--establishment. He says Democrats can win back Congress next year "by making Donald Trump the issue in [suburban] districts. You can't allow any Republican incumbent to separate themselves from Trump's brand, period.

Which California Republicans Are Willing To Sacrifice Their Careers To Give Billionaires A Tax Cut?

I hope Jonathan Chait is correct about the GOP tax plan being political suicide... but I'm not as certain as he is. Have you started seeing the ads yet? Millions of dollars of patently fake spots are blanketing TV from coast to coast claiming how fabulous the plan is. There isn't an ounce of truth in them but...

We Need To Get Some Millennials Into Congress-- But Good Ones

Last year, just after the general election, writing for Bloomberg, Dave Merrill and Yvette Romero explained how millennials haven't been able to crack Congress. "In 2016, millennials surpassed baby boomers as the nation's largest living generation," they wrote. "Yet for all that voting power, millennials are still woefully under-represented in Washington.

The Trump/Ryan Tax Cuts For The Rich Take From The Middle Class

Zero Humility by Nancy OhanianBefore Trumpanzee started demanding Ryan call his tax bill, "The Cut Cut Cut Act," Chuck Todd had reported that House Republicans were facing a major disadvantage with their tax plan, even before they delayed the rollout of their bill until today, namely that "their plan starts out underwater, according to

Has Trumpanzee Come Up With A Nasty, Disrespectful Name For Hassan Rouhani Or Ali Khamenei Yet?

Pelosi hasn't exactly declared impeachment "off the table" again-- she's dying to but she wouldn't last 5 minutes as Democratic Leader if she did-- but she has made it clear she's not interested in talking about impeachment, certainly not before the midterms. Maybe she and her Beltway advisors think it's bad strategy. But California billionaire Tom Steyer, who wants to run for governor or senator or something, thinks it's the right thing to do.