
Serious Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines 40 Times Higher Than Recorded by Government, German Scientist Says

The number of serious adverse effects from Covid vaccination is 40 times higher than currently recorded by the German Government, a scientist leading a study into the vaccines has said.
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Spike in Deaths Concurrent With Vaccinations Must Be Investigated by Authorities, Study Says

Authorities should "comprehensively" investigate a spike in deaths in Cyprus during 2021 that is not explained by COVID-19 but occurred concurrently with the vaccination campaign, a study has concluded.
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Pfizer vaccine now FDA approved, but VAERS raises questions [Video]

The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) run taken for vaccine related deaths thus far in 2021 reported 5,054 deaths (in the USA, Europe is much higher) that took place in some relation to receiving COVID-19 vaccines. The VAERS database, a service provided by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, notes that the deaths […]

“The Vaccines Kill Two People for Every Three Lives They Save”, Says Peer-Reviewed Vaccine Study

A new study in the journal Vaccines concludes that for every three deaths the vaccines prevent, one person dies from an adverse reaction while another four suffer serious side effects. Time to reconsider, they ask?
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New Study From Harvard Shows “Systemic” Presence of Spike Proteins in Blood Following Vaccination

A new paper in Clinical Infectious Diseases has shown that the spike protein from an mRNA Covid vaccine is present systemically in the blood from the day of the jab and is not localised to the site of injection.
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Have Monsanto and the Biotech Industry Turned Natural Bt Pesticides into GMO “Super toxins”?

Is the supposed safety advantage of GMO crops over conventional chemical pesticides a mirage? According to biotech lore, the Bt pesticides introduced into many GMO food crops are natural proteins whose toxic activity extends only to narrow groups of insect species. Therefore, says the industry, these pesticides can all be safely eaten, e.g. by humans.