
Sadistic Killer Joins The Democratic Party Freak Show

If you haven’t heard of Donna Hylton, here she is at the so-called Women’s March in Washington, January 21, 2017. Notice what she says “We will no longer be silenced. We will no longer be abused.”
She prefixes that statement with her former prison number. Lots of people have served hard time then gone on to live productive lives or even change the world for the better: look no further than Chuck Berry.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Ah! A Republican religious mantra on a marquee! Call it a Marquee Of God. If we all follow such a Republican Marquee of God, we will end up with an uber-sadistic Republican Marquis de Sade. No sex of course. This is Republicanism we're talking about. But, plenty of sadism and cruelty just the same. Isn't it obvious in every Republican policy? Every time they open their mouths? Sadism is their religion.

Forget ISIS: Humanity is at Stake

I still remember that smug look on his face, followed by the matter-of-fact remarks that had western journalists laugh out loud.
“I’m now going to show you a picture of the luckiest man in Iraq,” General Norman Schwarzkopf, known as ‘Stormin’ Norman, said at a press conference sometime in 1991, as he showed a video of US bombs blasting an Iraqi bridge, seconds after the Iraqi driver managed to cross it.
But then, a far more unjust invasion and war followed in 2003, following a decade-long siege that cost Iraq a million of its children and its entire economy.

The Masses as Goats and Dogs

The citizens whose lives are split between business and private life, their private life between ostentation and intimacy, their intimacy between the sullen community of marriage and the bitter solace of being entirely alone, at odds with themselves and with everyone, are virtually already Nazis who are at once enthusiastic and fed up or the city dwellers of today who can imagine friendship only as a social contract between the inwardly connected.
— The Dialectic of Enlightenment, Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno (1944).