Rutherford Institute

How the US Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power

John Whitehead Americans have become easy prey for hackers, scammers, snitches, spies, and con artists. But don’t be fooled into thinking the government is protecting you. To the contrary, the U.S. government is selling us (or rather, our data) to the highest bidders. By the way, those highest bidders also include America’s political class and …

Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us

John Whitehead “We’ve got to face it. Politics have entered a new stage, the television stage. Instead of long-winded public debates, the people want capsule slogans—‘Time for a change’—‘The mess in Washington’—‘More bang for a buck’—punch lines and glamour.” A Face in the Crowd (1957) We are one year out from the 2024 presidential election and …

Authoritarian Control Freaks Want to Micromanage Our Lives

John Whitehead “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau Authoritarian control freaks out to micromanage our lives have become the new normal or, to be more accurate, the new abnormal when it comes to how the government relates to the citizenry. This overbearing despotism, which pre-dates the COVID-19 hysteria, is the very definition …

A Nation of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans to Report on Each Other

John Whitehead “There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.” Professor Robert Gellately, …

Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11

John whitehead “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. It is there …

The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation

John & Nisha Whitehead “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” HL Mencken First came 9/11, which the government used to transform itself into a police state. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, …

How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

John & Nisha Whitehead “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” President Harry …

Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance: What Passes for Education Today

John whitehead “Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.” Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes This is what it means to go back-to-school in America today. Instead of being taught the three …

Technocensorship: The Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas

John Whitehead “There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.” Ray Bradbury What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas—legitimate or not—and the people who espouse them.Seventy years after Ray Bradbury’s …