
The Real Motive Behind the FBI Plan to Investigate Trump as a Russian Agent

By Gareth Porter | Consortium News | February 13, 2019 The New York Times and CNN led media coverage last month of discussions among senior FBI officials in May 2017 of a possible national security investigation of President Donald Trump himself, on the premise that he may have acted as an agent of Russia. The episode has potentially […]

US senators re-introduce Russian sanctions ‘bill from hell’

  Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ). ©REUTERS / Yuri Gripas RT February 13, 2019 A group of senators have introduced a bill suggesting a wide range of sanctions against Russia. The bill, sponsored by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) and Democrat Bob Menendez (New Jersey) will target Russia’s banking and energy […]

Anti-Russia Sanctions Imposed Due to Strong US Pressure – Lavrov

Sputnik – 13.02.2019 On Tuesday, the Financial Times reported that the United States and the European Union had been negotiating and were close to reaching an agreement on imposing new economic sanctions against Russia after the incident in the Sea of Azov in late November. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated on Tuesday that the […]

Germany Pulls Rank on Macron and American Energy Blackmail

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Strategic Culture Foundation | 13.02.2019 It was billed politely as a Franco-German “compromise” when the EU balked at adopting a Gas Directive which would have undermined the Nord Stream 2 project with Russia. Nevertheless, diplomatic rhetoric aside, Berlin’s blocking last week of a bid by French President Emmanuel Macron to impose […]

German Campaigners Defame Russian Media as Opinions Differ – Envoy to Berlin

Sputnik – 12.02.2019 MOSCOW – Russian media in Germany are being “persecuted” because their opponents do not have arguments to challenge their positions, Russian Ambassador to Berlin Sergei Nechayev told Sputnik, adding that proponents of such an approach were revealing who they really were. “All those involved in this, to put it mildly, ugly media […]

Integrity Initiative: New leaks show UK-funded project sought £5.5m for Balkans influence campaign

RT | February 12, 2019 Hackers have released a sixth batch of Integrity Initiative leaks, this time focusing on how the project sought £5.5 million in funding from the British government to establish an influence campaign in the Western Balkans. According to the leaks, Chris Donnelly, who heads the Institute for Statecraft (IfS) — the […]

Lavrov Says Alleged Russian Links to GPS Glitches During NATO Drills Fantasy

Sputnik – 12.02.2019 MOSCOW – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday called claims of Russia’s alleged involvement in GPS disruptions during last year’s NATO drills a fantasy, a day after Norway renewed similar allegations concerning signal interference near its border. “I must say that a matter was not looked into because it is impossible […]

How to Find Something Positive in the Sea of Negativity

By Edward LOZANSKY | Strategic Culture Foundation | 11.02.2019 At this time it looks like 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is definitely doomed. This became absolutely clear when on Feb. 1, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced that the United States would suspend its obligations and intends to withdraw from that treaty in […]

How Integrity Initiative’s ‘Counterfeit Expert’ Perpetuated Novichok Narrative

By Kit Klarenberg | Sputnik | 07.02.2019 In the days following the apparent poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal on 4 March 2018, speculation abounded. What substance had rendered the double agent and his daughter comatose? How? Who was responsible? Why? By 7 March, it’d been established the pair were struck by a nerve agent, confirmation […]

France Plans to Torpedo Nord Stream 2 During Crucial EU Vote – German Media

Sputnik – 07.02.2019 The EU is to hold a vote on a revision of the Gas Directive that would let the European Commission gain leverage over the Russian-European gas pipeline project. Germany has resisted Brussels’s attempt to revise the regulations and counted on France’s support amid their growing cooperation. One of the EU’s pillars and […]