
Administer Justice’: What the Trump-Zelensky Call Transcript Does and Doesn’t Say

Sputnik – September 25, 2019 The White House has released a transcript of the controversial 25th July call between Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky – meanwhile, US lawmakers have begun a formal impeachment inquiry into the content of their conversation. Not long after the call ended, an intelligence community ‘whistleblower’ lodged a complaint […]

Trump the Russian Puppet. A Story That Just Will Not Die

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 12, 2019 Certainly, there are many things that President Donald Trump can rightly be criticized for, but it is interesting to note how the media and chattering classes continue to be in the grip of the highly emotional but ultimately irrational “Trump derangement syndrome (TDS).” TDS […]

Revealed as Fraud, CIA’s ‘Kremlin Spy’ Fed Agency Key Intel Behind Russiagate

Sputnik – September 11, 2019 US media has claimed a spy placed high in the Kremlin had to be rushed out of Moscow in 2017 after US President Donald Trump endangered him by discussing intel he revealed. However, the man wasn’t who US intel claimed he was, and the information he supplied, which formed the […]

The company Irwin Cotler keeps: Paul Kagame, Alan Dershowitz and (maybe) the Montreal mob and Jeffrey Epstein

By Yves Engler · September 8, 2019 If the ancient storyteller Aesop was correct and “a man is known by the company he keeps” what can we learn about Irwin Cotler from his friends and associates? As I’ve written, the former Liberal justice minister has been a leading anti-Palestinian activist for decades. More recently, he […]

The Future of the Spectacle … or How the West Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Reality Police

By CJ Hopkins | Consent Factory, Inc. | September 3, 2019 If you want a vision of the future, don’t imagine “a boot stamping on a human face — for ever,” as Orwell suggested in 1984. Instead, imagine that human face staring mesmerized into the screen of some kind of nifty futuristic device on which […]

Inventing ‘2nd Skripal case’? Moscow rejects any link to asylum-seeker assassination in Germany

RT | August 28, 2019 Russia denies “any links” to the death of a Chechen man who was gunned down in Berlin last week. The German press, meanwhile, said the incident may end up being a “second Skripal case.” “This case has nothing to do with the Russian state, the [Russian] authorities,” the Kremlin’s spokesperson, […]

Does Israel Interfere in American Elections?

Ask Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • August 27, 2019 Does anyone remember what the Mueller investigation was all about? It was to determine whether the team surrounding candidate and then president-elect Donald Trump had colluded with a foreign power, presumed to be Russia. It did not discover any such collaboration […]