
‘Russians will have a fight on their hands’: Alaska governor vows to thwart ‘independence referendum & annexation’ in prank call

RT | October 20, 2019 Governor Mike Dunleavy said he was aware of Moscow’s plan to stage an independence referendum to reclaim Alaska, and promised to arrange a gold nugget for the visiting Ukrainian leader, in a phone call with Russian pranksters. The governor seemed honored to receive such a ‘high-profile’ call from none other […]

Hillary Clinton Pitches Conspiracy Theory That Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein Are Russian Assets

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 10/18/2019 Hillary Clinton is still peddling election-related conspiracy theories, this time hinting that 2020 Democratic contender Tulsi Gabbard is being ‘groomed’ to split the Democratic vote as a third party candidate, thus handing the election to President Trump. Speaking with former Obama 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe on his […]

EVEN CNN hosts gasp at guest’s claim that Tulsi Gabbard is ‘a Russian puppet’

RT | October 15, 2019 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is no stranger to mainstream media smears, but even a panel of CNN hosts and analysts audibly gasped when one guest outright accused the Hawaii congresswoman of working for Russia. What started off as a standard panel discussion on Tuesday’s upcoming Democratic debate quickly took […]

Propaganda 101: The New York Times pumps another ‘evil Russia’ plot

By Finian Cunningham | RT | October 10, 2019 The “newspaper of record” New York Times arguably holds the record for peddling anti-Russia scare stories. This week the NY Times delivered yet another classic spook tale dressed as serious news. Among its splash articles, under the headline ‘Top Secret Russian Unit Seeks to Destabilize Europe, […]

The New Yorker’s Partisan Attempt to Refute Its Claim of Partisan Disinformation on Biden and Ukraine

By Joe Lauria | Consortium News | October 8, 2019 The New Yorker‘s Jane Mayer has gained a reputation as one of the best reporters in Washington, but in her latest piece on Ukraine and former Vice President Joe Biden, Mayer has succumbed to the partisan mania ripping apart this city and much of the […]

Sweden’s hunt for Russian sub 5 years ago got its military more cash, but was based on faulty intelligence, new report says

RT | October 9, 2019 The Swedish Navy’s fruitless hunt for a Russian sub was reportedly based on an inconclusive analysis of intelligence which was overstated under pressure from the government. MPs only learned of it after boosting defense spending. In October 2014, Sweden was gripped by spy fever. People were watching relentlessly as its […]

Here they go again: Senate reheats ‘Russian meddling’ claims, using assertions as evidence

RT | October 9, 2019 The Senate Intelligence Committee’s final report on ‘Russian interference’ in the 2016 US presidential election is short on evidence and long on reheated assertions and innuendo from ‘experts’ exposed as actual election meddlers. There is little new in the 85-page, partially redacted document released on Tuesday, that has not been […]