
CNN enlists help of fraudster Browder & Integrity Initiative ‘experts’ to fan Russia meddling claims in UK

RT | November 9, 2019 While the yet to be published report on alleged Russian meddling into Brexit is in the center of political drama in the UK, CNN got the scoop from pundits– usual suspects when it comes to Russiagate narrative. The Russiagate in the US might have fizzled out, but CNN apparently has […]

‘Russiagate’ may be over in the US, but in the UK it’s just beginning

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testifies before the House Judiciary Committee during a much-anticipated hearing about Russian interference into the 2016 election – EPA/JONATHAN ERNST / POOL By Johanna Ross | November 8, 2019 ‘It’s only a matter of time’ it occurred to me as I cast a glance over Dominic Cummings’ profile on Wikipedia […]

Russiagate is a cult, complete with unquestionable doctrine, dissent-shaming, and us-vs-them cosmology

By Helen Buyniski | RT | November 6, 2019 Americans still clinging to the idea that their candidate lost the 2016 election because of meddling by the Russian state have much in common with victims of brainwashing cults. For them, doctrine has eclipsed reality. Russiagate true believers are already screaming about foreign interference in the […]

New Call of Duty game paints Russian Army as war criminals

Activision Blizzard’s newest Call of Duty Modern Warfare video game, inspired by contemporary events in war theaters across the world [according to its creators], has gone a step further from its usual portrayal of modern Russian soldiers as the bad guys. In this new iteration of Modern Warfare, the Russian soldiers depicted in the single player campaign are carrying out war crimes, killing prisoners and civilians in cold blood as per the orders of the higher-ups.

Nasty Russians harassed a sick American diplomat? That’s ‘fake news’ says Foreign Ministry

RT | November 3, 2019 The New York Times has spun a tale of Russian treachery based on its usual anonymous sources. Though the Russian Foreign Ministry stepped in to correct the record, the paper didn’t let facts get in the way of a good story. According to the Times, the debacle kicked off in […]

Labour Party MP panned for hinting Tory adviser could be ‘Russian Spy’

RT | November 3, 2019 The Labour Party has pressed Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab over security clearances granted to adviser Dominic Cummings, citing “serious concerns” over his time spent in Russia. Where have we heard this before? According to the UK media, citing a letter sent to Raab by Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry, the […]