
Trump-Bidens-Russia-Ukraine: A systemic interpretation

To understand the Trump-Bidens-Russia-Ukraine fiasco clearly, we have to park the moral, constitutional and legal issues By Padraig McGrath | December 25, 2019 On December 23rd, the Washington Post ran a piece exploring the possible motivations behind US president Donald Trump’s decision to pause US military aid to Ukraine on July 12th last year. On […]

Guardian corrects article about Julian Assange embassy ‘escape plot’ to Russia… a year later

RT | December 24, 2019 The Guardian has corrected an article describing a “plot” to “smuggle” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange out of London, more than a year after publication. Russia called the article “disinformation and fake news” from the outset. Assange is currently languishing in London’s Belmarsh Prison, awaiting a hearing on his extradition to […]

Democrat advice for ‘combating online disinformation’ is common sense buried under hypocrisy and censorship

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | December 19, 2019 There is actually some good advice in the Democratic National Committee’s five suggestions for avoiding “disinformation” online. Too bad it’s buried in hypocrisy and promotion of literal disinformation shops, grifters and frauds. On Tuesday, as Democrats launched their final impeachment push in the House of Representatives, […]

US Democratic Party Warns Supporters of ‘Disinformation’ from Russia’s RT and Sputnik

Sputnik – December 20, 2019 The US Democratic National Committee has published a list of recommendations on how to combat online disinformation. This list of “tips and additional resources” mentions Russian “propaganda outlets like RT & Sputnik.” “Don’t let yourself be manipulated. Be aware of Russian propaganda outlets like RT & Sputnik and educate yourself […]

Trump Impeachment… Slapstick Diversion From Reality

By Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation | December 20, 2019 Fittingly for the jolly season, the House of Representatives’ vote to impeach Trump was more pantomime than serious politics. “Oh yes, he is!.. Oh no, he isn’t!..” and so it went on for nearly 10 hours of to-and-fro between Democrats and Republicans. Eventually, the […]

Czech think tank funded by NATO govts calls for EU BLANKET BAN on Russian outlets like RT

‘European values’? By Nebojsa Malic | RT | December 17, 2019 A pro-NATO Czech think tank has another piece of unsolicited advice for Western governments. Now they should refuse to give access or interviews to Russian media, who are ”not real journalists”, according to the ”wise censor”. At first blush, the ‘Kremlin Watch Strategy’ paper […]