
As Navalny Talks, Russia Demands Own Investigators Gain Access To Allegedly Poisoned Opposition Leader

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 09/12/2020

The Alexei Navalny saga continues, with Russia essentially saying it has nothing at all to hide, now telling Germany it wants to send Russian investigators to assist in establishing what happened.
Moscow further says it’s established a timeline of Navalny’s movements ahead of the alleged poisoning incident, with a crucial witness also being sought.

Microsoft Allegedly Flags “Russian Hacking” Attempt Targeting Biden Campaign Firm

By Svetlana Ekimenko – Sputnik – 10.09.2020

As the 2020 presidential race tightens, reports of allegedly massive cyber activities targeting the United States have typically surfaced, reminiscent of the events of 2016, when the Democratic Party almost immediately played the “Russian meddling” card to explain its defeat.

Most Western reporters prioritise winning the ‘information war’ over covering Russia objectively & it’s destroying the media

By Glenn Diesen | RT | September 9, 2020

International law has gradually been replaced with trial by public opinion and states have become obsessed with narrative control. Information wars and “fake news” are the natural consequences and trust in the media is collapsing.

Navalny, Novichok, and Nord Stream 2

By Johanna Ross | September 8, 2020

Timing is everything, they say. Never more so was it crucial in the case of Alexei Navalny, currently coming out of a coma in the Charité hospital in Berlin, Germany, where he was transferred last month from Omsk in Russia after collapsing on a plane. Timing in this detective story is vital to understanding the motive behind the alleged poisoning.

Imposing sanctions on Russian officials for the alleged poisoning of Alexey Navalny is ‘absurd’ & ‘unacceptable’ says Kremlin

By Jonny Tickle | RT | September 7, 2020

The Kremlin has ridiculed the suggested creation of a ‘Navalny List’ that would impose more sanctions on Russians, following accusations that Moscow is responsible for the alleged poison attack on opposition figure Alexey Navalny.