
Biden Reportedly Considering Making Congresswoman Who Pushed Taliban Bounties Story His CIA Director

By Ilya Tsukanov – Sputnik – 29.11.2020 Joe Biden began announcing picks for his cabinet this week, even as incumbent Donald Trump continues to refuse to concede, citing alleged widespread voter fraud. On Tuesday, Biden selected Iraq, Libyan and Syrian war proponent Antony Blinken, his former vice presidential national security advisor, for the key post […]

Coming Soon From Joe and Kamala: Hooray for the Revolution!

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | November 26, 2020 There is something quite scary about the way leading Democrats have persistently wrapped their attempts to control the American people in platitudes and self-righteous drivel. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are currently pulling their team together, are no different than the Clintons and […]

Demanding Silicon Valley Suppress “Hyper-Partisan Sites” in Favor of “Mainstream News” (The NYT) is a Fraud

By Glenn Greenwald | November 25, 2020 The most prolific activism demanding more Silicon Valley censorship is found in the nation’s largest news outlets: the media reporters of CNN, the “disinformation” unit of NBC News, and especially the tech reporters of The New York Times. That is where the most aggressive and sustained pro-internet-censorship campaigns […]

Under Biden, expect more bombing and regime change. Tony Blinken’s record speaks for itself

By George Szamuely | RT | November 24, 2020 A US foreign policy run by Antony J. Blinken and Jake Sullivan, the likely next secretary of state and national security adviser, will mean more global interventions and regime-change operations, Clinton and Obama style. Blinken played a prominent foreign policy role in both the Bill Clinton […]

Biden signals US return to full-on globalism and foreign meddling by picking interventionist Anthony Blinken as secretary of state

RT | November 23, 2020 Joe Biden has named Anthony Blinken – an advocate for isolating Russia, cozying up to China and intervening in Syria – as secretary of state, cementing a foreign policy built on military forays and multi-national motivations. Biden, the nominal president-elect, announced his selection of Blinken along with other members of […]

Biden’s Deep State

By Steve Brown | Ron Paul Institute | November 18, 2020 Philosopher Hannah Arendt once wrote about the banality of evil, and there’s never been a more banal bunch than the foreign policy and security state crew Barak Obama surrounded himself with for eight years beside the possible exception of Bush’s own Neocons. Now after […]

‘Bidenism’ domestically: no free press, no lawyer, one-party state?

By Ramin Mazaheri | Press TV | November 15, 2020 For months the United States’ corporate-dominated media has terrified everyone with promises of right-wing militias taking to the streets, but here’s the thing: the pressures currently being put on 70 million Trump supporters is exponentially raising the possibility of that actually occurring, not reducing it. […]

Biden state media appointee advocated using propaganda against Americans and ‘rethinking’ First Amendment

By Ben Norton · The Grayzone · November 11, 2020 Richard Stengel, the top state media appointee for US President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, has enthusiastically defended the use of propaganda against Americans. “My old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the chief propagandist,” Stengel said in 2018. “I’m […]

Why is Russia accused of undermining the US by not recognizing its election results before Americans themselves call a winner?

By Glenn Diesen | RT | November 11, 2020 The same people who spent four years accusing Russia of interfering in America’s internal affairs are now attacking Moscow for not meddling. It’s another curious case of something previously described as ‘Russophrenia’. Russia has explained that it will hold off congratulations to Biden until the US […]

The huckster and the hack: UK govt report undermines stars of Cambridge Analytica-Russiagate scandal

By Alexander Rubinstein · The Grayzone · November 2, 2020 Self-styled whistleblower Christopher Wylie and The Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr earned film deals and flashy awards by blaming Brexit and Trump on a sweeping conspiracy between data firm Cambridge Analytica and Russia. A British government investigation shatters their claims to fame. Two years after the […]