
Bottom falls out of Western narrative as Sunday Times claims Navalny was poisoned twice

By Paul Robinson | RT | December 14, 2020 Long known as the “house journal” of British spooks, it now appears the Sunday Times has given up any pretence of critical journalism and is unquestionably publishing what intelligence officials want to place in the public domain. A prominent liberal Russian journalist once commented that Western […]

There is no ‘Russian secret war’ on the US, but WaPo fantasy risks Biden starting a very real one

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | December 12, 2020 In a normal world, the Washington Post claiming the existence of a Russian ‘secret war’ against the US based on far-fetched conjecture and debunked conspiracy theories would be a laughing matter. We don’t live in such a world. Democrat Joe Biden, anointed by the US mainstream […]

The ‘European Democracy Action Plan’ Risks Sanctioning EU Citizens For Exercising Free Speech

By Andrew Korybko | OneWorld | December 3, 2020 The long-waited “European Democracy Action Plan” has finally been unveiled, but its proposal to sanction alleged purveyors of so-called “disinformation” is extremely worrisome because people (including EU citizens) might have their fundamental rights and freedoms violated if they’re punished for publishing and/or sharing content that’s been […]

Leaked emails show Anders Aslund, the Atlantic Council’s Russia-basher in chief, tried to solicit funds from Russian billionaires

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | December 2, 2020 Internal Atlantic Council emails reveal the NATO-connected ‘think tank’ aggressively schmoozed the obscenely wealthy owners of Russia’s Alfa Bank, in order to secure a slice of their vast riches. The communications have been released publicly as a result of the ongoing defamation case brought against Fusion […]

Canadian Intel Report Alleging COVID-19 Disinformation Campaign is ‘Madness’, Russian Embassy States

Sputnik – 04.12.2020 The Russian Embassy in Ottawa refuted a Canadian intelligence report that claimed Russia, China and Iran actively spread COVID-19 disinformation. Earlier in the day, snippets of a Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) report obtained by a Canadian media outlet shed light on an alleged disinformation campaign by Russia, China and Iran to […]

‘I want blood’: Rachel Maddow’s audience fired up by NYT story baselessly accusing ‘Russian hackers’ of attacking US hospital

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | November 30, 2020 Accusing Russia of hacking anything from the 2016 election to US cancer hospitals may be fun and games for MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, but when her audience responds by demanding apocalypse, the shtick stops being funny. Maddow’s conspiracy theories about ‘Russian collusion’ and supposed hacking of […]

Biden Appointee Neera Tanden Spread the Conspiracy That Russian Hackers Changed Hillary’s 2016 Votes to Trump

By Glenn Greenwald | November 30, 2020 The announcement that Joe Biden intends to nominate Neera Tanden as his Director of the Office of Management and Budget — a critical position overseeing U.S. economic and regulatory policy — triggered a wide range of mockery, indignation and disgust from both the left and the right. That should not be […]

The Russian Brexit Plot That Wasn’t

By Paul Robinson | Irrussianality | November 26, 2020 Russian Disinformation. Russian Disinformation. Russian Disinformation. How many time have you heard that over the past four years? But what about British disinformation? Much of the current Russia paranoia began with the claims that Donald Trump was recruited by Russian intelligence years ago as a sleeper […]

Emerging sanctions-driven EU alliance with Navalny reeks of Western neo-colonial moves which helped destroy Russia in 1990s

By Glenn Diesen | RT | November 30, 2020 The West’s favorite Russian opposition figure has called for the EU to sanction pro-Kremlin ‘oligarchs’. Alexey Navalny doesn’t appear to be against all ‘oligarchs’ though, just those he feels are supportive of Vladimir Putin. In a European Parliament hearing last week, the activist argued that the […]