
Leak shows UK attempt to “derussify” former Soviet bloc

By Johanna Ross | February 24, 2021 Back in 2018, the Anonymous hacker group unveiled documents detailing the UK’s global anti-Russian propaganda campaign, otherwise known as the Integrity Initiative. A covert operation, funded by the Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence, it involved academics like Mark Galeotti, security analysts such as Ben Nimmo and journalists […]

Biden adviser threatens to punish Russia with ‘tools seen & unseen’ for SolarWinds hack

RT | February 21, 2021 The Biden administration will soon deliver a sweeping response to SolarWinds breach, so that the usual suspect, Russia, understands where Washington draws the line on cyberattacks, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan said. During his appearance on CBS’s Face The Nation program on Sunday, Sullivan was asked about what the […]

After ban on Russian TV news Latvia now will criminalize watching ‘illegal’ cross border channels

RT | February 18, 2021 Tens of thousands of Russian-speaking Latvians will be turning down the volume and listening out for neighborhood snoopers after a new law came into force that will see viewers of unlicensed satellite TV fined just for tuning in. Earlier this month, local media reported that the Seimas, the Baltic nation’s … … Continue reading →

Washington’s Energetic Generals and the Emphasis on Preparation for Nuclear War

By Brian Cloughley | Strategic Culture Foundation | February 16, 2021 Some senior generals and admirals in and around Washington have been very busy recently, and their activities, while aggressive, have not been associated with directing current combat operations. Rather, they have been directed at attempting to influence the Administration of newly-elected President Joe Biden […]

Twitter suspends account of Russian arms control delegation, head diplomat wonders about censorship

RT | February 13, 2021 The Twitter account of the Russian delegation that represents the country at OSCE-hosted arms control talks in Vienna has been suspended by the US platform. The head of the team suggested it was an act of Big Tech censorship. The unexplained ban of the account was reported on Saturday by … … Continue reading →

Canada to fund opposition in Belarus and names Russia and China its main enemies

By Lucas Leiroz | February 10, 2021 Canada is changing its geopolitical intentions. Apparently, this country, which has always been passive in the face of American decisions, wants to take more aggressive positions on the international stage. The Canadian government recently announced that it will finance opponents against Lukashenko in Belarus and now the Canadian […]

US poised for Russia sanctions as Washington claims ‘millions’ support jailed Navalny, hope for regime change

RT | February 9, 2021 America’s top diplomat says the US is mulling how to best penalize Russia over the alleged poisoning of opposition figure Alexey Navalny, but he simultaneously claims Washington is not seeking to influence the situation. Speaking to CNN on Monday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told viewers “it seems apparent that […]

For Josep Borrell, Russia will remain a ‘mystery inside an enigma’

By Johanna Ross | February 9, 2021 It’s been a quotation cited repeatedly to describe the difficulties faced by western policy-makers towards Russia. Winston Churchill famously said the country was ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’.  Back in 1939, when he broadcast this speech, just as Britain had declared war on Germany, […]