
Germany to help Baltic states establish Russian-language media

Press TV – February 28, 2017 Germany plans to help Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania establish Russian-language media outlets to counter the “disinformation” allegedly being spread by Russian channels broadcasting in the region. The plan was announced by German Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Schaefer, RT reported on Tuesday. The announcement came ahead of German Foreign Minister […]

Double Standards over ‘Russian Interference’ in Western Elections

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Strategic Culture Foundation | 23.02.2017 Just as polls show Marine Le Pen of the Front National taking a decisive lead over her two main rivals, Francois Fillon of the Republicans, and Emmanuel Macron of the newly formed En Marche, the latter gets a high-profile reception in Downing Street with British prime […]

The Coup against Trump and His Military – Wall Street Defense

By James Petras :: 12.28.2016 Introduction: A coup has been underway to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking office and fulfilling his campaign promise to improve US-Russia relations. This ‘palace coup’ is not a secret conspiracy, but an open, loud attack on the election. The coup involves important US elites, who openly intervene on many […]

Deconstructing Russophobia

Russophobia is composed of ignorance, a failure of scepticism and reasoning, pride, hypocrisy, condescension and churlishness, turned to the service of the military-industrial complex and NATO. It supports a one-sided Cold War against a country which is only just getting on its feet after collapse, is primarily focused on improving the living conditions of its people, wants war nowhere, and has no desire to be our enemy unless forced to defend itself. I wish it well.

Birch Society attacks Putin; Michael Hoffman replies

Birch Society attacks Vladimir Putin; Michael Hoffman repliesMr. William Jasper's October 1, 2014 article (excerpted below) constitutes Zionist disinformation.I will answer his most egregious charges. My replies follow his assertions: Putin - No Defender of Christian Faith and MoralityIn a key article, William Jasper blows apart Vladimir Putin's facade of championing Christian values. Bill Japser of the Birch Society wrote:

Ukraine and the Rise of Euro-Fascism

Today the driver of Euro-fascism is the Euro-bureaucracy, which gets its directions from Washington. The United States supports the eastward expansion of the EU and NATO in every way possible, viewing these organizations as important components of its global empire. In essence, the EU is a bureaucratic empire that arranges things within its economic space in the interests of European and American capital, under U.S. control.