
3 groups of people disappointed that Russia hasn’t retaliated against US forces

1. The Russophobic Press 
The press who have spent years calling President Putin a dictator, a tyrant and a threat to world peace are very disappointed today. Their disappointment stems from the fact that Russia’s response to the illegal and unprovoked attack on Syria will be defensive measures that are legal and  and proportionate to the US instigated provocation.

Russian FM Lavrov’s March 29, 2017 interview with National Interest Magazine

Question: I’d like to start by asking you about your forthcoming meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, we’ve read in the press that the two of you may be meeting soon. Sergey Lavrov: So they say. Question: Could you perhaps tell us about your expectations and goals in dealing with Secretary Tillerson? Sergey […]

Idiotic demand of Sen. Shaheen to investigate RT is an assault on the first amendement

One of the reasons I supported Donald Trump and continue to hope for the best when it comes to his Presidency, is that he wanted to ease the totally unnecessary tensions with a fellow superpower, the Russian Federation.
In the final months of the Obama administration, America came close to walking into a war with Russia. If the much vaunted no-fly zone over Syria would have been established, it could have led to Russian and American planes shooting one another out of the sky. For all intents and purposes, this would have meant open war, on top of the existing proxy war.

Sen. Graham to moronic Ukraine foreign minister: Just shut up and we’ll cut you a check (VIDEO)

Russophobia watchers got a real treat on Tuesday. That is, if you manage to maintain a sense of humor about these things.
The ambassadors of Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were joined by the foreign minister of Ukraine, the diminutive dweeb Pavlo Klimkin, for a deluxe crying and whining session. The goal: extract as much money as possible from US taxpayers by licking Washington’s boots.

RT Editor-in-chief comments on Macron’s ‘Fake News’ allegations

Sputnik – 05.03.2017 RT’s and Sputnik’s Editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan commented on the recent “fake news” accusations by French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron’s office toward the two media outlets. Earlier, Macron’s ally Richard Ferrand claimed that RT and Sputnik were publishing false rumors about the candidate and favoring other participants of the presidential race. Macron’s advisor […]