
Here’s how the American left are about to follow Hitler

It’s official, the American liberal left have become pathologically hateful on an international scale.
For decades, such people have engaged in domestic sectarian politics by both exploiting latent racial and ethnic tensions. When that became ‘passé’, they simply invented new sectarian groups which were inorganic in their composition. Most of these invented groups were based on a combination of constructed gender identity ‘issues’, drug and surgery induced body modification and beyond that, various lifestyles which were elevated to the level of proper socio-political sects.

Russian FM Lavrov explains how Obama’s campaign of Russophobia still plagues US politics (VIDEO)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has given a short but meaningful statement on how and why US politicians turn to Russophobia in an attempt to shelter themselves from criticism and avoid taking responsibility for their failures.
Lavrov said,

“Sadly, the campaign of Russophobia started by Barack Obama’s administration still lingers in the US”.

He continued,

Queen of the Russophobes Louise Mensch is slapped down by Julian Assange

Julian Assange recently went on Ron Paul’s Liberty Report to defend himself against inaccurate statements from CIA director Mike Pompeo who said that Wikileaks is a non-state intelligence agency, when in fact Wikileaks is a publisher. The theory proliferated by Pompeo was legally discredited during the infamous Bradley Manning trial.

Fools Rush In: Europe Pursues Israel Gas Deal for Political Not Economic Reasons

Sputnik – April 24, 2017 An Israel-Europe gas pipeline deal elevates Israel to the status of a major Mediterranean energy exporter. However, critics suggest the move is about more than mere economics, and serves a number of greater geopolitical objectives – namely, immunizing Israel from criticism and sanctions, and damaging relations between Europe and Russia […]

The Pro-War Twist of the ‘Resistance’

By James W Carden | Consortium News | April 24, 2017 The Resistance, a self-aggrandizing term for what amounts to a relatively small but still powerful claque of embittered Clinton surrogates, has been keeping itself busy of late, fanning the flames of McCarthyite recriminations against anyone who dares question the rather flimsy public evidence that […]

Putin has apparently delivered his endorsement in the UK election

Perhaps it is because Russia is a successful democracy with four major parties in the Duma representing various parties of left-right and centre that President Putin’s opinion on elections throughout the world is sought.
However, since Vladimir Putin does not want to meddle in the democracy of other states, he doesn’t formally endorse candidates in foreign countries, but that doesn’t matter, the foreign countries assign Putin an opinion anyway.

Journalist Accuses Moscow of Alleged Meddling in Mexican Politics

Sputnik – April 13, 2017 Mexican journalist and columnist for the El Financiero newspaper Fernando Garcia Ramirez has accused Russia of meddling in Mexican politics. According to him, “the dark hand” of Russian President Vladimir Putin has already reached Mexico, with Moscow trying to influence the presidential election in the country that is to take […]