
Two More Anti-Russian Bills in US Congress Aimed at ‘Keeping Close Eye on Trump’

Sputnik – June 25, 2017 A congresswoman and member of the US Democratic Party, Maxine Waters, introduced two bills directed against Russia in the US Congress. According to Waters, she seeks to prevent US President Donald Trump’s administration from lifting or weakening sanctions imposed on Russia by the Barack Obama administration. She also wants to restrict access to Russian diplomatic compounds […]

How Russia aided the west’s Russophobia

Russian opposition leader Vladimir Zhirinovskyof the LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) has delivered a wide ranging speech in the State Duma on the history of Russophobia and in particular how the modern Russian mainstream media has allowed the west to promote disinformation about Russia using fake news which derives from Russia’s own liberal media which operates as freely in Moscow as similar outlets do in the west.

Oliver Stone’s Israel remarks CENSORED by Stephen Colbert’s Late Show

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | June 16, 2017 Reports have surfaced that during his heated exchange with Stephen Colbert, Oliver Stone responded to statements from Colbert repeating the tired narrative about Russia interfering in the US election by bringing up an elephant in the room that many media outlets have totally ignored. Stone said of […]

US senators agree new set of sanctions against Russia

RT | June 13, 2017 US senators have agreed on new sanctions against Russia because of alleged Russia’s ‘interference’ in the 2016 US election, as well as the situations in Crimea and in Syria. Russia is monitoring the situation closely, the Kremlin spokesman said. The step would reportedly see new sanctions imposed on Russians who […]

Germany’s Die Linke Calls for Improvement in Russia Relations

Sputnik – June 12, 2017 Germany’s Die Linke party, which held its party conference in Hannover last weekend, is seeking to pursue a policy of “good neighborliness” and improve relations with Russia, the party’s leader in the Bundestag Sahra Wagenknecht told Sputnik. The leftist Die Linke is the third-largest party in the German Bundestag, with 64 seats. […]

Clapper says Russians ‘genetically driven’ to be untrustworthy — and no one even blinks

By Danielle Ryan | RT | June 3, 2017 The former US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper thinks Russians have some sort of biological predilection to be an untrustworthy bunch. I wish I was making that up, but sadly, I’m not. Clapper said it during last Sunday’s episode of Meet The Press on NBC, […]