
Donald Trump Junior and the Russian lawyer: non story and possible sting

By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | July 11, 2017 Whilst the story of Donald Trump Junior’s dealings with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya is tangled, the facts show no evidence of any wrongdoing on his part. On the contrary he is the only person who can be shown to have acted straightforwardly and honestly in […]

Ten Problems with the Anti-Russia Obsession

By Rick Sterling | Dissident Voice | July 6, 2017 Western media and Democratic Party politicians have made a major campaign accusing Russia of “meddling” in the U.S. election, colluding with and helping Trump win the Presidency. The charges began as “allegations” but now are routinely asserted as facts. The Washington Post recently ran a […]

US Senators Warn Trump Against Returning Seized Russian Diplomatic Compounds

Sputnik – 07.07.2017 WASHINGTON — Three US senators warned President Donald Trump against making any deal with his counterpart Russian President Vladimir Putin to return two seized Russian diplomatic compounds, a letter from the lawmakers showed. “The return of these two facilities to Russia while the Kremlin refuses to address its influence campaign against the […]

Foisting Blame for Cyber-hacking on Russia

By Gareth Porter | Consortium News | July 2, 2017 Recent hearings by the Senate and House Intelligence Committees reflected the rising tide of Russian-election-hacking hysteria and contributed further to it. Both Democrats and Republicans on the two committees appeared to share the alarmist assumptions about Russian hacking, and the officials who testified did nothing […]