
US Investigation Into Sputnik Undermines Principles of Press Freedom

Sputnik – September 11, 2017 The US investigation into the Sputnik news agency and the questioning of its ex-employee violate the principle of freedom of information, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Civic Chamber Sergey Ordzhonikidze told Sputnik Monday. Earlier in the day, the Yahoo News portal reported citing anonymous sources that the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) had questioned former Sputnik […]

FBI Questions Ex-Sputnik Employee, Scrutinizing News Agency’s Correspondence

Sputnik – 11.09.2017 The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) questioned former Sputnik employee Andrew Feinberg as part of the investigation of reports that the agency allegedly acted as a Russian propaganda agency in violation of the US Foreign Agents Act (FARA), Yahoo News reported Monday citing anonymous sources. The portal claimed that the FBI […]

Moscow to bring diplomatic missions in US, Washington’s in Russia to parity – Lavrov

RT | September 11, 2017 Moscow will bring the terms of work of its diplomatic missions in the US and those of Washington in Russia into “full parity,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced. The statement comes after the Russian Consulate in San Francisco and two trade missions in Washington, DC, and NYC were forced […]

The New York Times solves Russia collusion case: Russia spent $100,000 in Facebook Ads to defeat Hillary

By Alex Christforou | The Duran | September 7, 2017 Who would have known that all it takes to beat Hillary Clinton, subvert “exceptional” US democracy, and send the entire western mainstream media into “red scare” panic mode was $100,000 in Facebook ads. The New York Times has uncovered the smoking gun that lead to […]

Newsweek Claims Russia Orchestrated Boston Marathon Bombing

Sputnik | September 6, 2017 Online publication Newsweek upped the ante in explosive rhetoric Sunday by suggesting the Tsarnaev brothers, responsible for the 2013 Boston Marathon terror attack, were operating on behalf of Moscow – even though Russian security agencies tipped off the FBI and CIA that Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his mother presented imminent security […]

‘Violation of international law’: Russia to sue over diplomatic property row, Lavrov tells Tillerson

RT | September 5, 2017 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has told his American counterpart, Rex Tillerson, that Moscow has initiated legal proceedings over the “seizure” of Moscow’s diplomatic properties in the country at the behest of the current White House administration. The Foreign Ministry in Moscow said that Lavrov and Tillerson spoke by phone […]