
The NYT’s Yellow Journalism on Russia

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | September 15, 2017 Reading The New York Times these days is like getting a daily dose of the “Two Minutes Hate” as envisioned in George Orwell’s 1984, except applied to America’s new/old enemy Russia. Even routine international behavior, such as Russia using fictitious names for potential adversaries during […]

State Dept propaganda team in disarray – report

RT | September 14, 2017 Three members of the US government’s messaging arm, which was set up at the State Department to “counter narratives” from ISIS and Russia, quit last week, leaving the year-old operation in limbo. The Global Engagement Center’s chief technology officer, along with two other members of its analytics team, resigned without […]

Anti-Russian sanctions cost Europe $100bn – UN Special Rapporteur

RT | September 13, 2017 Over the last three years, the European Union has been losing at least $3.2 billion every month due to the anti-Russian penalties, according to a report by a UN Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy. “The most credible approximation is of $3.2 billion a month,” says the report on the negative impact […]

Sweden: Giving Up Neutrality Against People’s Will

By Peter KORZUN | Strategic Culture Foundation | 13.09.2017 Sweden, a non-NATO nation, has launched its largest military exercise in over 20 years. The drills are being conducted at Russia’s doorstep amid rising military activity in the Baltic Sea region. The timing (Sept. 11-29) is outright provocative as Aurora 2017 is taking place at about […]

Kremlin used Facebook to subvert Twin Falls, Idaho – Daily Beast

RT | September 12, 2017 A long-canceled Facebook event in Idaho, attended by only four people, is highlighted by the Daily Beast as an example of the Russian government’s alleged campaign to influence the US 2016 presidential election. The Kremlin set up Facebook events to organize protests in the US, including the one in August […]

Latest Attack on Sputnik a ‘Symptom of a US Media Unused to Competition’

Sputnik – 11.09.2017 The FBI has questioned former Sputnik employee Andrew Feinberg as part of an ongoing Congressional investigation into whether the agency is a ‘Russian propaganda network’ worthy of a registry in the US Foreign Agents Act. Speaking to Sputnik, respected author and journalist James Petras explained what was really at the heart of […]

EU launches new ‘single resource’ website to counter ‘Russian propaganda’

RT | September 12, 2017 An EU agency, specifically tasked with fighting what the West terms ‘Russia propaganda,’ has launched its new website to provide Europeans with “a single resource” to “enlighten” them about alleged “pro-Kremlin propaganda.” The site was launched in English, German and Russian. It’s part of the ongoing “EU vs disinformation” campaign […]

‘Where are the Russians?’ WaPo worried it can’t find Kremlin hackers in German election

RT | September 12, 2017 With two weeks left till the general election in Germany, the Washington Post is “worried” to see no evidence of a massive Russian meddling campaign. The article does not, however, consider the possibility that Russia had no intention of conducting one in the first place. Russia’s alleged meddling in the […]