
RussiaGate: Soft Power Suicide of a Superpower

Sputnik – November 1, 2017 The US’ obsession with “proving” alleged “Russian meddling” in the 2016 election and America’s subsequent institutional destruction as a result will go down in history as representing the suicide of this former superpower’s soft power. The US spent decades building up its soft power reputation as “the land of the free” and […]

Zero evidence, but… DOJ source says it ‘knows identities of Russians involved in DNC hack’

RT | November 2, 2017 Just days after the Mueller investigation came up short on Kremlin involvement in the US presidential election, a source in the Department of Justice says the names of the Russians who hacked the DNC computers are known, according to The Wall Street Journal. In yet another effort to make a […]

How Obama and Hillary Clinton Weaponized the ‘Dossier’

By George Szamuely George Szamuely | The Duran | October 31, 2017 The disclosure that the Clinton campaign, using white-shoe law firm Perkins Coie as a cutout, financed the so-called Steele dossier confirms what we have known all along. The Trump-Russia collusion story was a joint invention of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign. […]

US Lawmaker demands RT YouTube ban during Russia hearing

RT | November 2, 2017 At a hearing before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-California) put RT in her crosshairs, asking Kent Walker, the general counsel at Google, why his company has not yet banned RT from YouTube. Walker said that Google “carefully” reviewed RT’s history on the social media platform […]

Twitter: Speaking Russian, Having Russian IP Makes You a Kremlin Shill

Sputnik – 02.11.2017 During testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, a representative of Twitter admitted that his company discovered alleged Russian election interference on their platform by flagging every account with Russian text, email, phone, IP address and so on as a potential agent of the Kremlin. It sounds like we’re making this up, but […]

Putin, Trump and Manafort

By Margaret Kimberley | Black Agenda Report | November 1, 2017 The American propaganda campaign being waged against the Russian Federation and its president Vladimir Putin has reached a stage of perverse perfection. It is virtually impossible to put forth a dissenting opinion that will be accepted or considered worthy of consideration. The Democrats are […]

UK PM Takes Russia’s Alleged Attempts to Intervene in Elections ‘Very Seriously’

Sputnik – 01.11.2017 UK Prime Minister Theresa May has voiced London’s concern over Russia’s alleged attempts to interfere in the electoral or democratic processes of any country. “We take very seriously issues of Russian intervention or Russian attempts to intervene in the electoral processes or in the democratic processes of any country,” May told the […]

First Indictment in Russiagate: Special Counsel Not Up to the Task

Strategic Culture Foundation | 01.11.2017 Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the “Russiagate” investigator aided by a team of seasoned prosecutors, has launched the first wave of charges. The indictment of Paul Manafort, the veteran GOP operative who once chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and his former longtime business associate Rick Gates, went public on October 30. It made […]

No evidence of RT manipulating YouTube during US election – Google

RT | October 31, 2017 Google says it found no evidence that RT manipulated video hosting platform YouTube or violated its policies during the 2016 US election campaign. It comes amid a frenzy in the US over alleged Russian meddling in the election and RT’s coverage in particular. On Monday, Richard Salgado, Google’s director for […]