
Russia’s Alleged Meddling in Catalan Vote: Playing the Blame Game

By Alex GORKA | Strategic Culture Foundation | 14.11.2017 Few people are able to recognize their own mistakes. Many prefer to deny the truth becoming willfully oblivious to obvious facts. Why assume responsibility if there is such a thing as blame shifting – a true-and-tried method to get away with it? Pointing a finger at […]

Spanish Government Blames Russian “Dezinformatsiya” Campaign For Catalan Uprising

No, not The Onion… By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | November 11, 2017 In what is perhaps the least surprising tactic from the Spanish establishment, a government-backed research institute in Madrid has stated that Spain’s struggle to quash separatism in its Catalonia region was disrupted by Russian hackers agitating for a break-up, in a […]

Putin says claims of Russian intervention in US presidential election mere ‘fantasies’

Press TV – November 11, 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again strongly rejected claims that Moscow interfered in the 2016 US presidential election in favor of Donald Trump, saying these allegations are mere “fantasies.” The Russian leader made the remarks at a news briefing on the sidelines of the annual summit of the […]

‘Coup d’Etat’: As RussiaGate Probe Staggers On, Legal Fees Drown Trump Advisers

Sputnik – November 10, 2017 Many key figures in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign have incurred sizeable legal fees as a result of ongoing investigations into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election. Adviser Roger Stone has gone so far as to email supporters asking for financial assistance. Roger Stone, longtime adviser to US President […]