
Trump Team Didn’t Just Collude with Israel, Kushner was Acting as Foreign Agent for Tel Aviv

By Patrick Henningsen | 21st Century Wire | December 7, 2107 Much was made this week in the American media about Michael Flynn’s recent guilty plea to making false statements to the FBI, as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s never-ending “Russia probe.” Although court documents show Flynn has acknowledged to previously giving false statements in […]

The Tangled Threads of Russia-gate

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | December 5, 2017 A curious feature about the Russia-gate “scandal” is that its proponents ignore the growing number of moments when their evidence undercuts their narrative. Instead, they press ahead toward a predetermined destination in much the way that true-believing conspiracy theorists are known to do. For instance, […]


Book review by Paul Robinson | Irrusianality | December 2, 2017 The investigation into suspected collusion between US President Donald Trump and the Russian government has claimed its first three victims: one (Paul Manafort) for completely unconnected money laundering charges, and two (George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn) for lying to investigators about things which were […]

ABC News Suspend Anchor Brian Ross Over Fake News Report on Trump-Flynn ‘Russian Collusion’

21st Century Wire | December 5, 2107 After 18 months of rampant speculation over Trump and “Russian collusion” and alleged “Russian hacking” in the 2016 election, in a cloud of non-stop, 24/7 fake news being generated by CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, as well as notorious MSM fake news […]

How Russia-gate Rationalizes Censorship

By Joe Lauria | Consortium News | December 4, 2107 At the end of October, I wrote an article for Consortium News about the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paying for unvetted opposition research that became the basis for much of the disputed story about Russia allegedly interfering in the 2016 presidential election on the orders of Russian President […]

Even Russian Dissidents Say Americans Have Gone Crazy Over Putin

By Glen Ford | Black Agenda Report | November 30, 2017 The New York Times last week opened its pages to critics of the U.S. corporate media’s obsession with Vladimir Putin’s endlessly alleged, but never proven, campaign to subvert “American democracy.” After a year of unrelenting anti-Kremlin propaganda, the Times briefly lifted its curtain of […]

Mike Flynn told one lie – the US government has told millions

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | December 2, 2017 At long last, the non-scandal of Russiagate has fully blossomed into an actual scandal. Israelgate is here and far from exposing that officials and family members of officials in the US government frequently and disproportionately lobby on behalf of the interests of a foreign power […]

DHS Official Confirms There Were No Russian Hacking Attacks During 2016 Election

Sputnik – November 30, 2017 WASHINGTON – Russian hackers never attacked a single US state voting system during the 2016 presidential election, Department of Homeland Security National Programs Security Chief Christopher Krebs told the US House of Representatives. “The majority of the activity was simple scanning. Scanning happens all the time across the web… I would not describe that as an […]