
The NYT’s latest Russiagate story on George Papadopoulos is not believable. Here’s why

Attempt to distance Russiagate investigation from discredited Trump Dossier fails on Papadopoulos’s inherent unreliability as a witness By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | January 1, 2018 As confidence in Robert Mueller’s investigation crumbles there have been the inevitable leaks intended to suggest that the Russiagate investigation is still on track and that despite the increasing […]

McCarthy-style targeting of Jill Stein proves Democrats have truly lost the plot

By Danielle Ryan | RT | December 22, 2017 The collusion circus is coming for Jill Stein. The US Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the 2016 Green Party presidential candidate to hand over documents amid accusations she was part of a Russian plot to elect Trump. The news was met with delight by some pro-Hillary […]

French Public Activists Demand RT France’s Broadcasting License Be Revoked

Sputnik – December 20, 2017 PARIS – Several French public figures on Wednesday called on the county’s broadcasting watchdog to recall RT France’s license for operating on the country’s territory. The letter was signed by author Galia Ackerman, historians Antuan Arzhakovskii and Wladimir Berelowitch, journalist Michel Eltchaninoff, as well as teachers and translators. “In the context of the hybrid […]

What Is The Guardian Afraid Of When Attacking Honest Syria Reporters?

By Adam GARRIE | ORIENTAL REVIEW | December 20, 2017 The recent Guardian hit-piece against journalists Vanessa Beeley, Professor Tim Anderson and Eva Bartlett is something far more sinister than most people have yet to realise. The piece which can be read here is a very crude attempt to discredit the efforts of independent journalists […]

Questioning the Russia-gate ‘Motive’

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the third presidential debate in 2016, during which Clinton called Trump Vladimir Putin’s “puppet.” By Gilbert Doctorow | Consortium News | December 18, 2107 The American public is now experiencing mass paranoia over Russia-gate, hysteria about Russia supposedly corrupting and manipulating the U.S. political system. This panic originated with […]

US to spend $214mn on Europe air bases on pretext of ‘Russian aggression’

RT | December 18, 2017 Washington has allocated $214 million to build airfields, training sites, ranges and other military installations in an unprecedented military buildup in Eastern and Northern Europe aimed at countering “Russian aggression.” The planned modernization of the air bases, located predominantly in Eastern Europe close to Russian borders, as well as in […]

Boris Johnson breathes new life into ‘Russian meddling’ fairy story – introducing Facebook trolls

© Tom Nicholson / Global Look Press RT | December 17, 2017 With the Russian Brexit meddling story unravelling almost as badly as Brexit itself, Boris Johnson has found a new angle. The latest dead cat to grace the table is a cabal of “Russian trolls” on Facebook. “There’s some evidence that there has been Russian […]

‘No Evidence’ Russia Threatens Undersea Cables Despite UK Defense Chief’s Claims

Sputnik | December 15, 2017 The chief of the UK defense staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, has said NATO needs to protect its undersea cables from attack by Russia. Sputnik spoke to Steffan Watkins, a Canadian-based open-source intelligence analyst who monitors military naval movements, who said there was no evidence Russia planned any […]