
Denmark wants huge hike in military budget ‘to deter Russia’

Press TV – January 16, 2018 The Danish government aims to increase its military spending to counter an alleged security threat from Russia in Eastern Europe. During a visit to the Danish Air Force team in Lithuania on Monday, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said his center-right minority government needed to persuade the Danish […]

Sweden Starts Anti-‘Fake News’ Body for Mental Defense Against ‘Russian Threat’

Sputnik | January 15, 2108 In a build-up prior the forthcoming general election in September 2018, the Swedish government is planning to set up a new authority responsible for psychological defense. The perennial and widely speculated upon “Russian threat” has once again been used as a bogeyman. Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, who presented the […]

The US Is Meddling In Mexico’s Election By Accusing Russia Of Doing So

By Andrew KORYBKO – Oriental Review – 13/01/2018 US National Security Advisor McMaster claimed that Russia is meddling in the upcoming Mexican elections. This explosive news was shared by Reuters, which in turn was reporting on a mid-December video of a speech that McMasters gave to the Jamestown Foundation and which was just posted on […]

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern | Consortium News | January 11, 2018 Russia-gate is becoming FBI-gate, thanks to the official release of unguarded text messages between loose-lipped FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and his garrulous girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page. (Ten illustrative texts from their exchange appear at the end of this article.) Donald Trump and Hillary […]

Wired’s Fake-News Suggests Russia Plotting to Cut Trans-Atlantic Internet Cables

By Robert BRIDGE | Strategic Culture Foundation | 10.01.2018 Well, that didn’t take long. Just five days into 2018, and the American fake news industry is already up and running, churning out tasteless whoppers faster than Burger King. Wired magazine has joined the greasy ranks of other Western mythmakers now fueling a black wave of anti-Russia hysteria […]

The Real Problem With US Elections Isn’t Russia

By Roger Harris | CounterPunch | January 5, 2018 It’s over a year since the presidential elections. Yet some folks seem ever more obsessed about possible Russian influence; what with revelations of Moscow gold spent on Facebook ads for clickbait showing adorable puppies and the outing of alleged Kremlin operative Jill Stein. With the hindsight […]

The Still-Missing Evidence of Russia-gate

By Dennis J. Bernstein | Consortium News | January 1, 2018 A changing-places moment brought about by Russia-gate is that liberals who are usually more skeptical of U.S. intelligence agencies, especially their evidence-free claims, now question the patriotism of Americans who insist that the intelligence community supply proof to support the dangerous claims about Russian […]