
From ‘secret societies’ to flawed FBI probes, the Russiagate narrative is imploding

By Robert Bridge | RT | January 24, 2018 The anti-Russia narrative is collapsing under the growing weight of evidence pointing to a concerted internal effort on the part of the US establishment to sabotage the Trump presidency. Russiagate – the ongoing American witch hunt that imagines the Kremlin behind everything, up to and including […]

Fake News: Russia and Sputnik Accused of Meddling in Malaysian Elections

By Ivan Danilov | Sputnik | January 24, 2018 In its latest “Asia insight” feature, Japanese news agency Nikkei speculates that Russia is “meddling” in Malaysia and other Asian countries with alleged “authoritarian streaks”. It seems that the fake news epidemic that struck Western media during the US presidential elections and the Brexit vote has spread […]

Facebook pretending to care about democracy now is the height of hypocrisy

By Danielle Ryan | RT | Jan, 2018 Facebook has admitted that sometimes, it might actually be bad for democracy. Facebook is right about that. However, I’m not sure that the social media platform really understands why this is the case. The admission comes in a series of official blog posts by Facebook insiders about […]

Trump versus Wolfowitz

By Deena Stryker – New Eastern Outlook – 19.01.2018 Who today knows the name of Paul Wolfowitz? He was neither a Congressman, Senator, nor governor, yet until this month, official US ‘defense’ policy has borne his name. A former President of the World Bank and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, following the 1991 Persian Gulf […]

Charles Bausman betrays Russia for fascist ideology

Charles Bausman, the editor of Russia Insider, has published an extraordinary article in which he says that he wishes to “break the Jewish taboo”, and in which he appears to single out Jewish people in the West for their supposed particular hostility to Russia.
The article appears to put the blame for the present disastrous state of Western-Russian relations on Jewish people in ways which I find both extremely disturbing and frankly concerning.

European Commission to Issue Plan on Tackling Foreign Fake News

  Sputnik – January 18, 2108 The European Commission is preparing a strategy to counter fake news, which will be published this spring, European Commissioner for the Security Union Julian King said during a debate at the EU Parliament on Wednesday. “There’s been a focus on a wider phenomenon of fake news. It’s one of the European Commission’s […]

How Russophobia wrecked normalization between US & Russia

By Finian Cunningham | RT | January 16, 2018 It’s a glaring contradiction that while US President Donald Trump has repeatedly voiced a desire for restoring friendly relations with Russia, the two countries stand even more frigidly apart than ever. One year after Trump’s inauguration as the 45th US president, several metrics indicate bilateral ties […]

Big Guns, Better Chow, and More US-NATO Aggression

By Brian CLOUGHLEY | Strategic Culture Foundation | 16.01.2018 A headline in the US military magazine Stars and Stripes last September was eye-catching. It told readers that there were “Big guns, better chow for US soldiers on Russia deterrence mission” in Lithuania. Apparently the guns and chow were provided for the “500 173rd Airborne Brigade soldiers that swooped into […]