
When Will Congress Investigate All Interference in Elections?

By Philip M. GIRALDI | Strategic Culture Foundation | 22.02.2018 The atmosphere in the United States regarding possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election is something like hysteria, with a real danger that bilateral relations might break down completely as a result. Indeed, a number of politicians and senior government officials have described the […]

Top Democrats demand $300mn to protect the midterms from Russia intervention

Press TV – February 21, 2018 US Democratic leaders have called for more than $300 million in new funding to protect upcoming midterm elections from Russian interference. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi demanded a budget boost Wednesday, claiming that the amount is necessary to safeguard November’s elections. The […]

Tories Resurrect Ghost of Communism in Desperate Attack on Corbyn

Sputnik – February 20, 2108 Leader of Opposition and head of the UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is facing numerous attacks from the Tories, who recalled their Cold War practices to discredit their left-wing opponent, branding him a communist spy. The scandal was sparked by the allegations made by former Czechoslovak intelligence officer Jan Sarkocy, who claimed that Corbyn supplied sensitive […]

Much Ado about Nothing on Mueller’s Indictment

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | February 19, 2018 I confess deep amusement at the enormous reaction of the U.S mainstream press to the 37-page federal grand-jury indictment that special prosecutor (and former FBI Director) Robert Mueller has secured against 13 Russians and three companies or, as the mainstream media puts it, against “Russia.” […]

How to Steele an Election

Christopher Steele’s Other Job: He Ran an Info Op Against the United States By Peter Van Buren | We Meant Well | February 18, 2108 Christopher Steele did far more than simply provide an opposition research dossier to the Democratic National Committee, his Job One. As a skilled intelligence officer, Steele ran a full-spectrum information […]

Making Mugs of Voters: Mueller’s Russia Indictments

By Binoy Kampmark | Dissident Voice | February 19, 2018 Tagged to the Trump presidency like an insistent limpet, the investigation into Russian interference in the US elections of 2016 provides constant fodder for the unimaginative political animals in the United States. But any diet that remains unvaried is bound to induce illness or nutritional […]

Here’s how Mueller’s latest indictment further discredits the Trump Dossier

By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | February 19, 2018 As the days since Mueller’s latest indictment have passed, the failure of his investigation to make any claim of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia has begun to sink in, even amongst some of Donald Trump’s most bitter enemies. Even the Guardian – arguably […]