
The Guardian’s fresh ravings on Russia reflect West’s tipping point into new levels of dangerous insanity

“We hates Putin… we hates him forever…” By Catte | OffGuardian | March 10, 2018 There is ample evidence that the Guardian is now, following the re-shaping of its financing and management, reinvented as the paper of record for the UK/US intel agencies, which in turn currently harbour some of the most extreme anti-Russian pro-war […]

Inside the State Department’s Troll Farm – Daniel McAdams on The Corbett Report

Corbett Report Extras | March 7, 2018 Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and joins us today to discuss the State Department’s “Global Engagement Center,” an online troll farm dedicated to countering “foreign disinformation” on the web…with their own disinformation. We talk about the origins of the center and how it connects […]

Reality Check: The Guardian Restarts Push for Regime Change in Russia

Mark Rice-Oxley, Guardian columnist and the first in line to fight in WWIII. By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | March 9, 2018 The alleged poisoning of ex-MI6 agent Sergei Skripal has caused the Russophobic MSM to go into overdrive. Nowhere is the desperation with which the Skripal case has been seized more obvious than the […]

Putin: Russians Accused of Meddling in US Election Might Work for US Firms

Sputnik – March 9, 2018 Russian President Vladimir Putin told NBC in an interview that those Russians accused by the United States in meddling in the 2016 presidential vote might as well have been Russians working for US companies or any presidential candidates. “The world is very large and very diverse, and there is a […]

The BBC’s coverage of the breaking Skripal story – distortion & bias in defiance of its own charter

OffGuardian | March 9, 2018 Below is a clip from the BBC Newsnight of March 5 2018, just hours after Sergey Skripal and his daughter had been found, apparently collapsed, on a public bench in Salisbury. Notice how little the narrative has changed from this very early point. All the talking points are already assembled. […]

‘A Fishing Expedition’: Mueller Now Just ‘Trying to Find Dirt on Trump’

Sputnik – 08.03.2018 US Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the alleged ties between the campaign of Donald Trump and Russian actors has taken a turn, as he announced an investigation into George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who lobbied in Washington on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. Brian Becker and John […]

The Cult of Authority

By CJ Hopkins | CounterPunch | March 7, 2018 On a recent episode of “Intercepted,” Glenn Greenwald, James Risen, and Jeremy Scahill, three celebrity journalists employed by a billionaire to provide the masses with fearless, adversarial journalism, debated, for approximately fifty-seven minutes, whether Donald Trump might be guilty of treason. This debate was prompted by […]

‘Progressive’ Journalists Jump the Shark on Russiagate

By Ray McGovern | Consortium News | March 7, 2018 Russiagate’s sensationalist media coverage Jane Mayer of The New Yorker and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks are the latest progressives to jump on the anti-Trump, pro-Russiagate bandwagon. They have made it crystal clear that, in Mayer’s words, they are not going to let Republicans, […]

State Dept has $120mn war chest for Russia-bashing – and ex-envoy McFaul wants to spend it

RT | March 7, 2018 There is $120 million in funding for “countering Russian propaganda” stashed somewhere in the State Department. There are “Russia experts” willing to blame Russia for everything. The two are meant to be together. The $120 million, of which Rex Tillerson’s diplomatic corps has failed to spend a cent, is funding […]