
Bolton the Doors, Mind That Johnson, the Neocons Are Coming

By Robert BRIDGE | Strategic Culture Foundation | 27.03.2018 The designation of John Bolton as US National Security Advisor, in addition to the State Department being taken over by the CIA, sends an unmistakable signal that the Trump administration is gearing up for some serious mischief in the Middle East. In an ongoing administrative shakeup […]

US abusing its rights as host country by expelling Russian diplomats at UN – Russia’s UN envoy

RT | March 26, 2018 Washington has abused its power as the host of the UN headquarters when it moved to expel 12 staffers from Russia’s mission at the UN, Moscow’s envoy Vassily Nebenzia said. He called the decision an “extremely unfriendly” step. “The expulsion of Russian diplomats as well as other recent unfriendly steps, […]

British accusations against Russia for Skripal poisoning not only unproven, but absurd!

By Tom Stanford | The Duran | March 24, 2018 The British government claims to have overwhelming evidence of Russia’s responsibility in the Salisbury poison attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter. In his Washington Post article of March 14, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson went so far as to claim that there was “only [one] […]

‘Against common sense and intl law’: Russia to retaliate over diplomats’ expulsion by UK allies

RT | March 26, 2018 Moscow won’t leave the provocative acts against Russian diplomats unanswered, the Foreign Ministry said, adding that several countries blindly copied the UK’s “hypocritical” stance on the Skripal case in the absence of evidence. The decision of a number of NATO and other European countries to expel Russian diplomats over the […]

Pat Buchanan: “Will the Deep State Break Trump?”

“It is becoming more obvious with each passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon Johnson’s authority in 1968 are out to break Richard Nixon,” wrote David Broder on Oct. 8, 1969.
“The likelihood is great that they will succeed again.”
The Trump White House is acting as it it were under siege, the target of a Deep State coup, “and it is not wrong to think so.”
Patrick J. Buchanan asks, “will the Deep State break Trump?

A collection of essays on Russian-American relations 2015 – 2017 by one of the US’s top Russia experts

Review by Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | November 19, 2017 One of the most deeply frustrating things for anyone with any knowledge of Russia who has been following the Russiagate saga is the staggering ignorance of basic facts about Russia which is so prevalent amongst elites in the US. What makes this especially frustrating […]

Dems Kept Cheerleading Bush-Era Neocons; Now There’s One In The White House

By Caitlin Johnstone | Rogue Journalist |  March 24, 2108 Dems are criticizing Trump’s National Security Advisor pick, not because he’s a warmonger who was one of the original members of the Project for a New American Century, but because he’s allegedly too soft on Russia, Caitlin Johnstone explains. As so many of us have been […]

The Ghost of Hillary

By Nick Pemberton | CounterPunch | March 23, 2018 The Ghost of Hillary Clinton still haunts the minds of many Americans. She is paraded around America like a fallen angel. A Washington Post article as recent as March 14th stated: “America Needs Hillary More Than Ever”. The investigation into Russia collusion drags on a year […]