
Italian leading parties condemn expulsion of Russian diplomats, advocate better ties with Russia

Leading Italian political parties have each issued statements in condemnation of Italy’s present government in its decision to follow Britain in expelling Russian diplomats as a countermeasure over allegations of Russia’s use of banned chemical weapons in assassination attempt on ex double spy Sergey Skripal and his daughter.

How the Ex-Spy Case is Transforming UK Media Into Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’

Sputnik – April 5, 2018 The admission by scientists from the Porton Down defense lab that that they could not actually verify the source of the nerve agent used to poison Sergei Skripal and his daughter has not stopped British media from blaming Russia for the affair, or calling on London to take an even […]

Tycoon who pushed Magnitsky Act warns EU minister of ‘career ruining’ opposition to Russia-bashing

RT | April 4, 2018 Bill Browder, the financier convicted of tax fraud in Russia and the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act, has taken aim at the Dutch foreign minister, warning him that opposing sanctions against Russia is dangerous. Foreign Minister Stef Blok should take note of what happened to his Canadian colleague, Stephane […]

Down & out at Porton Down: Embarrassment for the UK’s ‘Rush to Blame Russia’ brigade

By Neil Clark | RT | April 4, 2018 The news that the UK’s own chemical weapons scientists can’t confirm that the nerve agent we’re told was used on the Skripals came from Russia is another blow to the credibility of the UK political and media establishment. They were oh so sure, weren’t they? Or […]

‘Ordinary chemists’ know about Novichok– chemical weapons expert refutes ‘state actor’ claim

RT | April 4, 2018 A chemical weapon expert slammed claims from the UK that a ‘state actor’ must be behind the Salisbury poisoning. Porton Down – the UK’s secretive defense laboratory – said an assessment of the nerve agent used on former double agent Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia showed it must have been […]

NATO Plotted ‘Skripal Case’ to Justify Their Defense Spendings – Moscow

Sputnik – April 3, 2018 The Russian Foreign Ministry says it can’t discern how to convene a NATO-Russia Council in the current climate, considering absurd NATO’s statements regarding a readiness for dialogue while expelling Russian diplomats. “Yes, indeed, seven people have been declared undesirable. And they (in Brussels) have announced that they will not issue […]

The UK Government – and Not Russia – is the Real Threat to UK Security

By Neil Clark | Sputnik | April 2, 2018 Here we go again. In the UK government’s latest 52 page ’National Security Capability Review’, guess who’s right there at the top of the threats Britain faces? Yes – those dastardly Russians! ‘The resurgence of state-based threats, intensifying wider state competition and the erosion of the rules-based international […]

Russia ‘Novichok’ Hysteria Proves Politicians and Media Haven’t Learned The Lessons of Iraq

By Patrick Henningsen | 21st Century Wire | March 31, 2018 If there’s one thing to be gleaned from the current atmosphere of anti Russian hysteria in the West, it’s that the US-led sustained propaganda campaign is starting to pay dividends. It’s not only the hopeless political classes and media miscreants who believe that Russia […]