
US Media Keeping Americans Blissfully Ignorant over Syria As Washington ‘Weighs Options’

By Robert BRIDGE | Strategic Culture Foundation | 12.04.2018 Americans desperate for news from the Syrian front, where an alleged chemical attack has prompted the Trump administration to consider a military strike against Damascus, are in for a real disappointment. Any balanced discussion of a possible military offensive against Syria, which Moscow has warned would […]

Syria chemical attack: Theresa May says Assad’s allies should be held to account

RT | April 9, 2018 Prime Minister Theresa May said all supporters of Syria’s leader Bashar Assad should be held to account over an alleged chemical attack on a formerly rebel-held town. Russia says there is currently no evidence of the attack. Speaking in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Tory leader said that if allegations of a […]

Australia Confirms its Colonial Status With Expulsion of Russian Diplomats

By James ONeill – New Eastern Outlook – 05.04.2018 Both the prime minister and the Foreign Minister are trained lawyers. As part of the training they would have been imbued with some of the most profound and enduring concepts of the common law. These include such fundamental points as the presumption of innocence; the onus […]

London’s Sincerity in Quest for Truth of Skripal Case in Serious Doubt

Sputnik – April 7, 2018 Anton Utkin, a former UN chemical weapons inspector in Iraq, told Sputnik that the decisions by the UK with regard to the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal demonstrate that London isn’t truly committed to getting to the bottom of the case. According to the chemical weapons expert, right now […]

Media Warn of ‘Russian Bots’—Despite Primary Source’s Disavowal

By Adam Johnson | FAIR | April 5, 2018 Washington Post (4/2/18) One could forgive the average reader for thinking reporters covering bots had been replaced by bots. The formula is something we’ve seen a million times now: After a controversial story breaks, media outlets insist that “Russian bots” used the controversy to “sow discord” or […]

Bolton and Johnson: the Malevolent Villain and the Vicious Buffoon on the Nuclear Stage

By Brian Cloughley | CounterPunch | April 6, 2018 There are currently several characters of clownish tendency on the stage of international affairs, with others waiting in the wings for an opportunity to prance forward and perform their antics. The most recent addition to the Western cast is the new National Security Adviser to President […]