
Last chance for Russiagate? Democrats file lawsuit against Trump campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks

RT | April 20, 2018 In a last-ditch effort to keep the Trump/Russia collusion story alive, the Democratic National Committee filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit on Friday against the Trump campaign, the Russian government, and WikiLeaks. The suit alleges that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to hack the DNC’s computer network and publish […]

The Guardian, “Russian bots” and the dehumanisation of dissent

By Kit | OffGuardian | April 20, 2018 Heather Stewart, The Guardian’s chief stenographer political editor, has copied and pasted a press release written a new article all about “Russian bots”. The trouble is she doesn’t seem to know what either of these words actually means. The article – headlined “Russia spread fake news via […]

Russia’s OPCW envoy exposes ‘eight UK lies’ in Skripal case

RT | April 19, 2018 The UK’s narrative in the Skripal case is a “story woven with lies,” with London continuously trying to “deceive” the international community, Russia’s OPCW envoy said, highlighting eight examples of such misinformation. “We’ve tried to show that everything our British colleagues produce is a story woven with lies,” Russia’s permanent […]

Dirty money or dirty politics? UK hypocrisy over ‘Russian oligarchs’

By Neil Clark | RT | April 18, 2018 According to Russia’s Prosecutor General, 61 criminals who stole up to $10 billion in Russia are enjoying life in the UK. Britain claims to be concerned about ‘dirty money,’ but has rejected requests from Moscow for extradition. It was the financial heist of the century. The looting […]

An Alternative Explanation to the Skripal Mystery

By Gareth Porter  | Consortium News | April 17, 2018 For weeks, British Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson have insisted that there is “no alternative explanation” to Russian government responsibility for the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury last month. But in fact the British government is […]

‘Russia’ Instead of ‘US’: Swedish TV Caught Peddling Fake News on Syria

Sputnik – April 18, 2018 Swedish TV-channel TV4 has sparked outrage by offering its viewers a skewed picture of reality by substituting “the US” with “Russia” in a critical news report on the US-backed attacks against the war-torn middle-Eastern country. In a news report about the conflict in Syria by TV4, a Syrian woman was speaking about the US, […]

Missile Attack on Syria Is a Salute to “Russiagate” Enthusiasts, Whether They Like It or Not

By Norman Solomon | CounterPunch | April 16, 2018 Politicians, pundits and activists who’ve routinely denounced President Trump as a tool of Vladimir Putin can now mull over a major indicator of their cumulative impacts. The U.S.-led missile attack on Syria before dawn Saturday is the latest benchmark for gauging the effects of continually baiting […]

The Skripal event and the Douma “gas attack” – two acts in the same drama?

OffGuardian | April 14, 2018 The illegal air strikes on Syria by the coalition of the guilty (US, France, UK) have happened, to no one’s great surprise. As such things go all current indications are that they were more token than anything else. The Russians are saying around 100 missiles were fired at an unclear […]