
Tapper-Clapper Leak Proves Media, Intelligence ‘Collaborated’ to Make Russiagate

Sputnik – May 3, 2018 Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper, who landed a job at CNN in August 2017 after leaving the government, leaked information to CNN’s Jake Tapper regarding the infamous Steele dossier and its salacious allegations against then-candidate Donald Trump – then denied his actions to Congress under oath. The […]

Congress Again Fails to Discover Collusion to Subvert the 2016 Election

By Philip M. GIRALDI | Strategic Culture Foundation | 03.05.2018 There have been a number of developments in the endless inquiry into possible collusion between the Russian government and Donald Trump to manipulate perceptions and voting relating to the two presidential candidates in the November 2016 election. In particular, it has been alleged that the […]

Skripal attack: Still no suspects, admits UK national security adviser but still blames Russia

RT | May 1, 2018 British police still have no suspects in the Skripal poisoning investigation, the UK’s national security adviser has admitted to a committee of MPs, despite the government continuing to place blame squarely on Russia. Former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found slumped on a bench in […]

The UK Government’s Skripal Conspiracy Theory – or The Art of Holding a Mass of Contradictory Thoughts in Your Head

By Rob Slane – TheBlogMire – April 30, 2018 The Official Narrative on the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal is a collection of illogical claims and assertions that cannot be made to fit together, that make no rational sense, and which would require us to hold a mass of contradictory thoughts in our head […]

Sunday Times ‘explosive’ report on Russian bot support for Corbyn is really a complete dud

RT | April 29, 2018 Just when you thought we’d hit peak ‘Russian meddling’ claims, there’s a whole new fear-mongering report in town. The Sunday Times has released an ‘investigation’ linking a pesky Russian bot army with Labour’s June election gains. Heaven forbid British voters may have been swayed by a lack of leadership by the […]

The Guardian/Sky News Team Up to Promote Fake News About Fake News

TruePublica | April 27, 2018 This story should make all our readers pretty angry. It’s about how the government picked on two Twitter accounts to help prove the story that automated Putin-bots are wrecking the Skripal/Novichok/Douma gas attack story, about how the Guardian newspaper is helping with this narrative and how Sky News then attack […]

Two tweets to break democracy? Incredible claim in House report on ‘Russian meddling’

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | April 28, 2018 Though the House Intelligence Committee report exonerated President Donald Trump of ‘collusion’ with Russia, it still accused Moscow, and RT specifically, of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. The report released on Friday says the committee “found no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded, coordinated, […]

US House Report Accuses Russia of Election Meddling, Finds No Proof

Sputnik – 28.04.2018 WASHINGTON – The US House Intelligence Committee on Friday released its final report on its yearlong Russia investigation, accusing Moscow of interference in the 2016 US election but concluding that the Kremlin did not collude with President Donald Trump’s campaign team. The heavily redacted 243-page document, titled “Report on Russian Active Measures,” […]

Western media silent as Rodchenkov’s Russian doping claims fail to stand up in court

RT | April 28, 2018 Russian officials plan to sue Grigory Rodchenkov, whose testimony played a key part in the country’s Olympic bans, after a sports court rejected his claims. But most believe it’s too late to reverse the impact of the doping saga. The scandal over Olympic doping has been running since 2014, and […]