
Skripal 2.0: It’s High Time for the British Government to Explain Itself – Here’s 10 Easy Questions to Help Them Out

By Rob Slane | The Blog Mire | July 7, 2018 In his statement to the House of Commons on 5th July, the British Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, stated the following: “The use of chemical weapons anywhere is barbaric and inhumane. The decision taken by the Russian government to deploy these in Salisbury on March […]

US establishment in hysterics that Trump-Putin summit might succeed

RT | July 6, 2018 There are many reasons the bipartisan US establishment hates Trump. His heresies from neoliberal orthodoxies on immigration and trade are prominent. But top among them is his oft-stated intention to improve relations with Russia. That’s fighting words for the Deep State and its mainstream media arm, for which demonizing Russia […]

‘Russophobia British Gov’t Encouraged is Beginning to Boomerang’ – Ex-UK Envoy

Sputnik – July 6, 2018 British Prime Minister Theresa May has said it is deeply disturbing to see two British citizens, who remain in critical condition in hospital, poisoned by the Novichok nerve agent. While the UK’s Security Minister has stated that the Amesbury poisoning was not a targeted attack but a contamination by Novichok […]

Amesbury poisoning incident fuels another wave of anti-Russian hysteria

RT | July 5, 2018 A new poisoning incident on UK soil has given British politicians a perfect reason for launching another McCarthian witch hunt on dissent. One MP already targeted RT and was called out for limiting free speech. “Could … members of this house on all sides not appear on Putin’s propaganda television […]

UK Recklessly Linking Moscow to Amesbury Without Proof – Ex-Intelligence Agents

Sputnik – July 5, 2018 Former UK intelligence officers told Sputnik that it was reckless for UK authorities to point at Russia as a link between the Amesbury poisoning incident and the nerve agent attack on Russia’s ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury in March, without any concrete proof of Russian involvement. Late […]

UK Minister: Amesbury Poisoning ‘not targeted’ or ‘linked to Skripals’

The latest reports from the Amesbury alleged “Novichok poisoning” have taken a turn for the weirder. According to several reports, UK Minister of State for Security Ben Wallace has said that the Amesbury “poisonings” were neither targetted, nor linked to the Skripals. He said that instead, he believes it is a “contamination by Novichok”.

The Amesbury Mystery

By Craig Murray | July 4, 2018 We are continually presented with experts by the mainstream media who will validate whatever miraculous property of “novichok” is needed to fit in with the government’s latest wild anti-Russian story. Tonight Newsnight wheeled out a chemical weapons expert to tell us that “novichok” is “extremely persistent” and therefore […]

Mexican President-Elect’s Campaign Already Target of Russia Fearmongering

21st Century Wire | July 3, 2018 Mexico’s newly elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (“AMLO”), just won a sweeping victory by all accounts, but that hasn’t stopped the Russia fearmongering express from rolling on in the mainstream press. Andrés Manuel López Obrador speaks to his campaign volunteers and supporters after his election victory. ( It’s […]