
More Mumbo Jumbo on Russia

By Michael AVERKO | Strategic Culture Foundation | 12.07.2018 The modern political lexicon includes a host of terms that are ironically applied, given how they can be applied to those who use them against others. For numerous reasons, Michael McFaul’s continued standing as a leading Kremlinologist, highlights the ongoing flaws in US policy towards Russia. […]

UK Defense Secretary Blames Russia for Death of Woman in Amesbury

Sputnik – 09.07.2018 Though earlier in the day UK counter-terrorism officer Neil Basu was unable to confirm that a toxic substance allegedly used for the poisoning of Dawn Sturgess was similar to those claimed to be used for the attack on Skripals, the UK Defense Secretary blamed the incident on Russia. UK Defense Secretary Gavin […]

British MP, establishment journalists rush for Putin’s blood after Amesbury chemical death

RT | July 9, 2018 The death of Dawn Sturgess from what police say was exposure to Novichok has sparked a new fit of Russia-blaming, as an MP, high-profile commentators and mainstream journalists pointed the finger at Moscow. As British police launched a murder investigation into the poisoning and death of Dawn Sturgess, 44, in […]

NATO Reportedly Alarmed Over Future ‘Uncoordinated’ Trump-Putin Agreements

Sputnik – 07.07.2018 Ahead of the upcoming Trump-Putin summit, some NATO officials reportedly voiced concerns that the bloc’s member states were not included in the planning of the Helsinki meeting. “There are great concerns in the alliance about what agreements Trump and Putin could reach,” Peter Beyer, transatlantic coordinator for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition, […]