
AfD MP calls for an end to sanctions against Russia

Centre for Geopolitical Studies | November 10, 2018 Interview conducted by Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Centre for Geopolitcal Studies with the MP of the German House of Representatives (Bundestag), Mr. Petr Bystron Dear Mr. Bystron, recently we have met at the International Conference on the Development of Parliamentarism in Moscow recently. In front of […]

We want to believe: ‘Russian hacking’ memo REVEALS how US intel pinned leaks to Kremlin

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | November 10, 2018 A newly-out memo containing the Obama admin’s talking points about “Russian hacking” in the 2016 election reveals how US spy agencies attributed email leaks to the Kremlin by saying it’s “consistent” with what they think Russia does. The seven-page document was contained within the 49 pages […]

US Midterm Election Results: Prospects for US-Russian Relations

By Arkady SAVITSKY | Strategic Culture Foundation | 09.11.2018 The midterm elections went  largely as expected. Republicans strengthened their position in the Senate and lost their majority in the House. President Trump was not lucky enough to escape the traditional first-term midterm curse. But the expansion of majority control in the Senate is an important […]

75,000 Russian expats spying in London? Their handlers’ workload must be a nightmare!

By Simon Rite | RT | November 7, 2018 The true scale of the workload facing Russia’s foreign intelligence agents has been revealed by a London based think tank, which estimates half of all Russian expats in the British capital are spies or informants. I’m no mathematician, but that seems like a hell of lot […]

US to impose ‘additional sanctions’ on Russia over Skripal poisoning claim

RT | November 6, 2018 Washington will move to impose additional sanctions against Russia, saying Moscow did not meet its demands by the deadline set by the US and accusing Moscow of a chemical attack against a former spy and his daughter in the UK. “Today, the Department informed Congress we could not certify that […]

Norway Needs to Apologize, Explain Fabricated Bochkarev Arrest – Russian Embassy

Sputnik – 06.11.2018 Moscow is expecting explanations and apologies from the Norwegian authorities over the arrest of Russian citizen Mikhail Bochkarev in Oslo in September on fabricated espionage charges, the Russian Embassy in Norway said Tuesday. “This provocation involves people who ordered it and those who carried it out. They must be held responsible. Russia […]

America Goes to War

Fighting Russia, China and al-Qaeda simultaneously requires more money By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • November 6, 2018 Some believe that the Cold War ended in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell apart. In retrospect, many observers also believe that a golden opportunity was missed to heal the wounds inflicted by over 45 years […]

Neocon Think-Tank Ridiculed for Claiming UK Has Up to 75,000 Russian Informants

Sputnik – 05.11.2018 The Henry Jackson Society (HJS) has published a report claiming up to half of Russian expats in the UK could be “informants” for the Kremlin, attracting ridicule. The neocon think-tank’s report, titled “Putin Sees and Hears It All: How Russia’s Intelligence Agencies Menace The UK,” claims interviewees said “anywhere between a quarter […]

Whither Russiagate?

By Philip M. Giraldi | American Herald Tribune | November 5, 2018 Two years have passed since the 2016 presidential election. Allegations that foreign interference had influenced the result, perhaps decisively, began to surface even as the last ballots were being counted. Against all odds underdog Donald J. Trump had been elected president and the […]