Russian hacking

Will Trump-- Should Trump-- Ever Get Out From Under The Cloud Of Illegitimacy?

What does Putin want? He has some very legitimate gripes with Western policy-- especially the way NATO has moved to encircle Russia. Russians are historically touchy about that-- and for good reason. "The West" killed 11 million Russian soldiers and between 7 million and 20 million civilians during World War II. (In comparison, the U.S.

The Deep State Versus Donald Trump – New Smears And The Ukrainian Connection

When Hillary Clinton was defeated in the U.S. presidential election the relevant powers launched a campaign to delegitimize the President elect Donald Trump. The ultimate aim of the cabal is to kick him out of office and have a reliable replacement, like the Vice-President elect Pence, take over. Should that not be possible it is hoped that the delegitimization will […]

‘Russian hacking’ scandal is just political grandstanding against Trump

Published with the permission of the author. First appeared on Ron Paul Liberty Report
Since the end of World War II up until the year 2000, the U.S. government meddled in 81 different elections around the world. Perhaps we Americans should focus on what our own government does instead of stirring up trouble with outsiders for political advantages.
I discuss in detail below:

Interfering In Other Countries' Domestic Politics-- What Monsters Do That?

One of the excuses many of the Trump-Putin useful idiots give for dismissing Putin’s hacking of the U.S. elections is that governments do it all the time— especially the U.S. Well, they are certainly right about governments doing it all the time, but that doesn’t make Putin’s coup against America any more palatable than, say, the U.S.-British coup against Iran in 1953.

With Apologies In Advance To Trump-Putin’s Useful Idiots

Just a small handful of members of Congress objected to the certification of Putin’s puppet as president: Barbara Lee (D-CA), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), John Conyers (D-MI), James McGovern (D-MA), Maxine Waters (D-CA) and two of the freshmen Blue America backed this past cycle, Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD).

Donald Trump mocks intel agencies for failing to prove Russian hacking

In his most recent comment on Twitter, President-elect Donald Trump expressed his frustration with the intelligence community over the fact that it continues to delay a crucial briefing on the alleged Russian hacking of the US election.
Trump’s comment appears to suggest that the entire narrative is made up and that the briefing delay is a testament to the fact that the intelligence community simply doesn’t have a case to present.