Russian hacking

We All Know Trump Is For Sale And Putin Is The Richest Man On Earth. Is Trump His Sock Puppet Now?

Sunday morning everyone who loves making fun of Señor Trumpanzee's Adderall-fueled tweet storms, had a field day. The one above was a sensation-- at least among those who enjoy mocking the imbecile Putin helped install in the White House. Did anyone imagine Trump's excursion to Hamburg and his opportunity to pay homage to the Russian dictator in person wouldn't be a farce?

THE COLUMN: Queen’s A-Team Caught in FIFA Scandal, Fallon’s Russian Conspiracy Theories

This week the trio of David Cameron, Prince William and David Beckham were snared in a FIFA corruption scandal, but how deep does it go? What’s worse, UK Minister for Defense Michael Fallon is still citing long-debunked Russian conspiracy theory fake news in his Chatham House speeches. All this, and much more…
Watch as UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson is joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen with yesterday’s news round-up.

When Will The Drip, Drip, Drip Of Putin-Gate Drive Trump From Office?

Trump is obsessed with Putin-Gate-- and for good reason. He knows what he’s done. He knows it’s just a matter of time before Mueller exposes him. So he tweets away when no one’s around to keep him calm and he screeches and rages at the White House TV sets, even in front of witnesses. Now he’s blaming his chief White House lawyer, Donald McGahn for not containing Putin-Gate before it got so messy and so embarrassingly public.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 97 The Decline of Leaking: From Chelsea Manning to Reality Winner

Tom Secker and Robbie Martin join me for a very wide ranging discussion on everything from Reality Winner to Dennis Rodman. Tom and I start off the conversation by talking about the Wikileaks Twitter account tweeting about our issue on The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. We talk about the obvious divide right now between Assange and Wikileaks not just in terms of Twitter, but in terms of their media strategy. The three of us then dive into the bizarre case of NSA leaker Reality Winner. We theorize as to whether she is a true leaker, or a truly disgruntled employee.

Did Putin's Hacking Place Trump In The Oval Office? No One Will Ever Admit It... Or Will They?

One thing that "has been decided," apparently, is that no one in a position of authority is ever going to undermine the U.S. electoral system by admitting the Kremlin really hacked the election itself-- like the shitty very hackable electronic voting machines. The entire national security establishment always, always claimed the Russians didn't tamper with the voting results. But, as I've said all along, they didn't know what they were talking about.

Kim Dotcom: I Knew Seth Rich, He Was The Wikileaks Source

Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was killed on July 10 in Washington, D.C.
Last week, Fox News dropped a bombshell report officially confirming, via anonymous FBI sources, what many had suspected for quite some time, that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the WikiLeaks source for leaks which proved that the DNC was intentionally undermining the campaign of Bernie Sanders. In addition to exposing the corruption of the DNC, the leaks cost Debbie Wasserman