Russian Hack

US Congress compares “Russian hack” to 9-11 attack. Demands commission be set up to investigate Russia

Here is some advice for the Democrats sitting in Congress spreading “fake news”.
Instead of creating a “9-11” type of committee to investigate the “fake news” claim that Russia hacked the US elections because “big and bad” Vladimir Putin was upset with “poor, little helpless” Hillary Clinton, why don’t the Democrats call for a real 9-11 commission to fully investigate 9-11 (beyond what was published last year with the 28 page report).

Episode #168 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Hacking the World’ with Patrick Henningsen, guest Steven Sahiounie

Episode #168 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this January 8, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special LIVE New Year’s Day broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network
5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12am PT (US)

James Clapper Himself Debunks “Russia Hacked US Election” Meme

21st Century Wire says…
We’ve seen it over and over again in the mainstream media, “Russia Hacked the US Election.” It has been a pervasive meme in the media ever since Donald J. Trump won the US Presidential election and it inspires consumers of mainstream media to believe that Russia actually used cyber intelligence agents to hack into the computers that are used to track the voting. Surveys show that many Americans believe that there was a literal computer hack of the election to change the results.

Skeptics Unconvinced After Release of Feds’ Latest Report On ‘Russian Hack of DNC’

21st Century Wire says…
In the wake of the Friday release of the ODNI’s 25 page report from ‘US intelligence agencies’ (notice how they don’t even specify the agency names anymore in these reports) on the alleged Russian hack of Clinton campaign related DNC computers, cyber security experts are still not convinced that there is any credible evidence supporting the theory.

CONVENIENT? ‘Active Shooter’ Kills 5 in Fort Lauderdale, CNN Claims Voices in His Head ‘Told Him to Join ISIS’

21st Century Wire says…
Incredibly, on the same day that US ‘intelligence’ officials were due to meet President-Elect Donald Trump about the alleged ‘Russian Hack’ report – like clockwork, another ‘Active Shooter’ event springs-up, this time at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida. Very dramatic, great television drama on CNN and elsewhere. As a result, no US news channel covered the epic flop of the CIA’s report debacle and Trump’s reaction to it until the evening news cycle.

CIA Report Released: Trump maintains DNC Leaks had “Absolutely no effect on outcome of election”

21st Century Wire says…
Despite the mass media distraction of the improbably ‘Active Shooter’ attack at Fort Lauderdale Airport earlier this afternoon – today was ‘the big day,’ the dramatic release of the “unclassified” portion the US Intelligence report of the alleged Russian Hack’ of the 2016 US Election.