Russia s Special Military Operation

The West increasingly isolates itself

Following the demise of the Soviet Union, the United States felt that it would always be the lone superpower and that its hegemony would not be challenged. The failure of American policy in Iraq, followed by a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, did not undercut Washington’s claim to global dominance. When Russia demanded an end to […]
Сообщение The West increasingly isolates itself появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

On Olena Zelenska’s visit to South Korea

On May 16, 2023, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol met with First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska, who arrived in Seoul as a special envoy for her husband, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. According to diplomatic sources, Ukraine’s first lady arrived in Seoul on May 15 and stayed for several days. The visit of the […]
Сообщение On Olena Zelenska’s visit to South Korea появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Britain At War-Provoking The Consequences

On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries. One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace […]
Сообщение Britain At War-Provoking The Consequences появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Turkey Conducts Differentiated Mediation in the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis

Turkish President Recep Erdoğan is notable for his acumen and his particular pragmatism. Like Kemal Atatürk in his time, he has achieved a fairly advanced partnership with Russia in the field of economy, politics, and security. The fact that Turkey, being a NATO member, still tries to maintain an independent course towards Russia, to develop […]

NATO member names true sponsors of the Ukrainian conflict

On the 78th anniversary of the liberation from fascism in World War II, the world’s attention is increasingly focused on the causes and developments of the Ukrainian conflict. Even today, it is no secret in the United States and its Western allies that the main reason for the conflict in Ukraine is the recognition by […]
Сообщение NATO member names true sponsors of the Ukrainian conflict появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

The President of the Republic of Korea’s Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements. Part 3. Russian (and Chinese) Issues at the US and ROK Presidents’ Summit

The context in which Russia was mentioned deserves its own section because, prior to the visit and following Yoon Suk-yeol’s interview with Reuters, many people anticipated or feared that, as a holiday present, the ROK president would solemnly cross the red line and declare that South Korea would change its position on the Ukraine issue […]

Here’s Why Bakhmut Is the Most Important Town on Earth

The greatest show on Earth is now a circus of double-dealing and sleight of hand applied to geopolicy. In the West, so-called experts are announcing a Ukraine counteroffensive as if it were an upcoming sports contest. Conversely, in the trenches of Ukraine, Wagner Group’s leader Yevgeny Prigozhin is running interference for a counter-counter offensive Russia […]

Weapons Trafficking: NATO Expansion & Wishful-thinking …

Any discourse on Turkey is usually connected with other events, and not Turkey in itself—domestic issues, however, what they mean to others, near and far, is a different story. This has been most apparent in terms of events in Iraq, Syria, and now with undulating happenings regarding NATO expansion, events in Ukraine, and if Ukraine […]

Is South Korea going to supply Ukraine with arms?

On April 19, 2023 President Yoon Seok-yeol gave an interview to Reuters in which he said, among other things, that “If there is a situation the international community cannot condone, such as any large-scale attack on civilians, massacre or serious violation of the laws of war, it might be difficult for us to insist only […]
Сообщение Is South Korea going to supply Ukraine with arms? появились сначала на New Eastern Outlook.

Russia-China Response to the NATOization of the Indo-Pacific

In February, on an unusual visit to Japan, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasised the need for NATO to have more “friends” in the region. The obvious justification was, as Stoltenberg explained to his audience at Keio University in Tokyo, the fact that Russia and China were “coming closer” and the direct threat this alliance […]