RT report

Capitalizing on MH17

July 23, 2014 (Eric Draitser - RT) Published on Jul 22, 2014 - Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.org appears on RT (July 21, 2014) to provide his analysis of the politics surrounding the MH17 tragedy. Draitser explains that the US is trying to use MH17 to achieve politically what its proxy government in Kiev could not achieve militarily, namely the retreat of anti-Kiev separatists.

America: A Pacific power?

April 30, 2014 (Nile Bowie - RT) - As Washington pursues its rebalancing strategy, Obama’s historic four-nation tour of the Asia-Pacific has subtly altered the region’s security dynamics."The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay," declared President Obama during his speech to the Australian parliament in 2011, following his announcement to deploy 2,500 marines to northern Australia to help protect American interests across Asia.Tran

Playing Syrian Poker

Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.com appears on RT's CrossTalk to debate the current situation in Syria.  Draitser explains that the strategic and political interests of the US and its regional clients are driving developments on the ground and diplomatically.  He argues that "regime change" has always been the objective and that the US is using humanitarian concerns as political cover.  In addition, Draitser examines the critical geopolitical background against which the war in Syria is being fought.